**** AFTERNOON SURF UP-DATE **** G’day again surfers and thanks for dropping in for the days rundown on Bali’s surf and weather. Me myself I never got too far but some of the surfers staying here at “home base” Bali did travel far and wide (for Bali) in search of waves. The report in from Keramas was of small waves, large crowd and on-shore wind. While the other team headed for Canggu and reckon they were surfing waves up to head high plus. With tube rides included. Sounds like the place to have been… No news in from down South at Uluwatu and virtually no change in the surfing conditions around here on the Outer reefs, still micro. It’s been a top day weather wise with blue sky all the way, the wind did turn to the ESE-SE Tradewind direction and was gusting upta 8-10knots. I think we can expect similar conditions both surf and weather wise again for tomorrow. Stay tuned over the weekend cause we’ll keep the reports coming to ya. Just to give the bodyboarders something new to look at, ya’s can find a new video clip on your page. Back with another round of baliwaves first thing in the morning. ron.
**** MORNING SURF UP-DATE **** Welcome back to the baliwaves. Well the slight reprieve in swell we had over the last couple of days has gone again. My 6.15am surf check of the Outer Reefs located here in Tuban was not showing much action. Wave height between Kuta Reef and Airport left was back down in the 1-2ft range, although I did see one batch of sets hit Middle Reef at head high, but only once. The next tide is going to be a fairly good sized High of 2.5 mtrs @ 10.00am then the Low tide happening around 4.00pm @ 0.2 mtrs. This morning the best chances of getting in some waves would be heading to Uluwatu to the South or up to the beach breaks of Kuta and Legian and further North to Canggu. There could even be a few sly right handers going down at Keramas while the tide is up and the wind light. I’m gunna have a good suss out of what’s going down in the Indian Ocean later so I’ll get back to ya’s on our prospects. Outside it’s a beautiful morning to be down the beach, light off-shore wind outta the ENE @ 1-2 knot, and the sky is blue around these parts. There was still some thick cloud hanging around down towards the Bukit. I gotta give a big thanks to my good friend Jeff Ryan who is the owner / surfer of RELIANCE POOLS down in Australia. Jeff helped out baliwaves.com big time with the funds to get us a new PC, and we picked her up yesterday. BTW department, Jeff was one of people on the scene helping the local people rebuild their lives after the tidal wave went through Acheh in Northern Sumatra. Not to mention all the other stuff he does for other charity organisations World wide, a real good bloke is Jeff. Today we also have the Full Moon making an appearance so the next few days we will have some big tide differences, lets hope we get some swell so we can make the most of em. Another operator here in Bali has asked me to let you guys know that if any of ya’s are interested in cruising over to Desert Pt or other locations in his 11mtr 500hp ocean speed boat to drop us a line. The boat holds up to 12 surfers and their equipment + crew, an get this, it only takes around an hour to get there from Bali. Ok then surfers have a good one what eva ya got on today I’ll be keeping an eye on the surf and if there’s any changes I’ll let ya’s know later this afternoon. Best Regards from “same as it ever was” Bali.
A little while back I mentioned something about baliwaves.com wanting to help out with a charity organisation carring for Balinese Orp hans, by finding kind hearted folks to sponsor kids for their basic schooling needs. Well just for now if anyone would like a bit more information please send an email to: [email protected]
Purnie will be able to pass on all the info. I think it costs around AU$70.00 per year to provide a poor little kid with a school uniform, school fee’s and books plus pocket money.
Feel free to send us an email if ya have any questions that might help your next Indo surfing holiday run that bit smoother. Discounts into the G-Land camp of your choice. How to get over to Lakey Peak and still have money to spread around. Likewise if your looking for a cheap, clean and 100% surfer friendly place to home base at here in Bali.
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