Help needed please. ! Does anybody out there perhaps know the difference between the Benoa Harbour tides and Nias tides in Northern Sumatra. RGds [email protected]
Hi Guys,
Do you have the tide times for 2010? Specifically i need tides for April 2010 for Ulu’s, impossibles, bingin etc.
Thanks in advacne for your help.
are these bali tides the same for central sambawa etc lakey, scars
Any help thanks
nice wave, i like it.haw about ficture at kuta reef…
paul meaghersays
Does anyone have tidal information for Bali 2011? Any information would be appreciated.
Does anyone have tidal information for Bali 2011? Any information would be appreciated. Particulary june July
there is a new site called JB its really good for finding information without getting other people to do it for you. Check it out. 🙂
Or ask your father!
i can also guarantee that it will come in and go out atleast once during the day.
And usually it comes in after it has gone out.
Can you just shed a bit of light on what the * is representing next to some of the tide heights? Is it the moon cycle? It ranges from .3 to over 2.6m going across the page downwards diagonally.
Ta mate.
peter jonessays
Rusty the * ,is the highest High Tide & the lowest Low Tide for that day. Every day the high tide is approximately 40 minutes later than the previous day due to cycle of the moons rotation around the Earth, any where on this Planet ok ..The Moon actually pulls the water , When the Moon rises in the East at the time of Sunset in the West , that is the night of the Full Moon, the next day the moon will rise 40 minutes after Sunset . 2 Days after the Full Moon, the Moon will appear an hour and 20 minutes after the sun has gone down.. etcetera OK and so the cycle of our EARTH goes on, read some books on it ,Interesting stuff and good knowledge to possess in a surfers’ brain …PJ Surfer, Fisherman & Merchant Seaman
Mr. Big Brainsays
The September tide chart is wrong- today is Sep. 4th not 5th, and how that effects the tides on your chart I have no idea
Sorry Mr B.B I’ll pass that on to my technician, I personally eye ball (already know) the ocean all day everyday….. But your right if it’s out as of Sept 4-5 the rest of the year would be out. Lets hope the people who create these original charts gets it right or, imagine in 6yrs time you won’t know what month it is let alone day. This is serious…………..
Gday Slim,How Quick can you get me tides for March/April 2012?Need to put my boat up on tha beach to change out crossbeams…..Cheers Davo
Does anyone know where we can look at the 2012 tides yet i cant find em anywhere?
thanks Mike
Gday Slim,would you have an idea when 2012 tide charts are out?Cheers Davo
Hi, we don’t usually get our hands on them until 2012 sorry. 🙁
shane davissays
looking for moon and tide charts for lakey peak sumbawa 2012 help
Hi Slim,
Try getting your hands on those tidal charts for balance of year please china, need to do some planning and get some bookings done. Rgds. Rod.
oh man , all those whingers busting slims balls for tide charts , work on plan B will yas , next youll be asking him read you a story and give you a kiss before you go to bed .
Joel Fitzpatrick-Gibbonssays
just look at other websites that already have them
Salamat Pagi. Sorry JFG but they [ there really are only 2 other options ] have been inaccurate for the last 21 years,nobody is whinging Ovad and nobody is doing any ball busting, when you plan ahead you normally get the prize … right. Thank you Slim for all the excellent work you do. I am sure the proper accurate Indo charts will be made public sooner than later. Terimah Kasih banyar.
Russians Go Home
hahaha – putkzn – that name sounds awfully Russian to me 🙂
rudy sovietsays
thanks 4 the chart dude…..
masih hidupsays
my theory on the tide chart here is that there datum point needs adustment (i.e benoa)??? i got me own tide program off the net search around an you will find it!! then play around with it and you will be spot on all the time ( well nearly always)!! plus over 30 years as a fisherman gives me half an idea!! lol but yes you will find that most of them run off a bit over certain months of the year?? that is for your to figure out!!ha ha i am old school surfer who learnt to read weather maps ect,the internet has taking half the fun of surfing and that is the search an discovery aspect!! everthing has become too easy for the younger generation, internet, google maps,surf guides,surf schools ect!! no sour grapes here guys an ladies now which is great, so follow what rip curl say and SEARCH!!!! yeah putkzn does sound russian!! ha ha but they are another story with all the new crew learning the easy way i think the etiqupe of surfing has lost it a bit but that is progress, an now it is cool to be a surfer!! i liked it when society thought we were worse than bikkies an the people with tatts were criminals!!lol just my two bobs worth!!
Excellent theory MH, I 2 come from your same school but with maybe just a few more years expereance on ya. totally agree about the tatoo theory makes me embarrassed now having tats.
But this internet thing is not bad, especially for an old lazy surf bum. But i was going to blur out your mention of ripcurl……
Keep it coming bro.
masih hidupsays
tides plus the moon does change its distance from the earth at different times which makes it closer!! stronger tidal pull! sorry about the need to blur mate ,it wont happen again!!talking about rubbish bali
has been voted number 1 in indo and jakarta number 2 ,go figure!!
very interesting MH, especially that seeing that the majority of Bali’s domestic tourists come from Jakarta, I would assume ?
Ok everyone lets just keep up the example and all do our little part and keep this beautiful island of Bali clean.
If you walk your dog on the beach (dogs love it) please take a plastic bag or some old newspaper with you, and do your small part as well.
masih hidupsays
heres a thuoght on tidal dicrepcenes in tide books ,with the distance of the earth to the moon is able to vary by up to about 50,000 km of course this would affect the tides but is this consided in the forcasting of the tidal “predictions”?? sorry i know this is a site for surfing but tides do affect the waves an the dawn patrol surf session!!lol walk outside an have a look up tonite cant miss that moon!! you will catch my drift!!lol there has been 14 of these moons since the 1900 but it probably only vary the tides by a max at a rough guess of lees then 15cm?? plus being close to the equator cuold also play a part?? maybe one of your more educated guest to this site could give us the heads up!!
Hi , if anyone can help i would like to get tide chart and surf forecast for Bali 2013, the time we plan to travel is between April – May, Thanks
Oh No …, here we go all over again !!! …, with the annual end of year “Tide Chart Panic” (see; 1/17/12 comment)
The moon and, in lotless part other planet, influes on tide. We got the same moon all over the Earth, so we got the same coefficient of tide all other the planete.
Other point, the hight tide of the highest coefficient period is always at noon or very close; same for lowest tide of the lower of the lower period of tide.
By the years, I do know that June and december are lower tide coefficient, March and September the highest.
So living on an open coast on East Atlantic away of Ulu’s I apply my home tide table, leaving the time of the set coming from Ulu’s to Kuta beach to know the difference of time of tide. I just need Slim’s report to imagine to be there. Thank’s you again, Slim.
when you will have 2013 tide chart ? thanks
bali tide 2013 ?
Thanks again for the No.1 surfing website on the net 🙂 even though I don’t surf a real surfboard I’m still trying to learn how to stand up and if my mum lets me I want to come to Bali.
@dennery – how do you work out the difference in tide times – difference between location and the tables? Or is it just ask local information and work it out?
hey now !!! hightide/lowtide just pull in side….enjoy the ride!!!
I Wayan Adi Pradanasays
hi admin,
where I can get tide chart at night? is there any web can I check?
thank you,
Just take 13 hours off the daytime one. it advances 40 minutes every day. Tard.
looking for tide charts 2014 – where can i find?
Hi Slim
Hope you and the family are well. Love the site and daily email.
Can you help me find tide charts for 2015? (That king tide last week was massive!)
Thanks for your help!
Thanks Mike, all well over here and fingers crossed things stay that way 🙂
Sorry mate but it’s hard to get the tide charts until the end of the year ?
Corey Byrnesays
Gday mate, do u have 2015 tide charts. cheers
Hi Slim, you know any site that has the standard delays/advances on the benoa times that are posted online? I imagine the west coast would be fairly different to the Benoa tide charts? Thanks
Help needed please. ! Does anybody out there perhaps know the difference between the Benoa Harbour tides and Nias tides in Northern Sumatra. RGds [email protected]
Hi Guys,
Do you have the tide times for 2010? Specifically i need tides for April 2010 for Ulu’s, impossibles, bingin etc.
Thanks in advacne for your help.
are these bali tides the same for central sambawa etc lakey, scars
Any help thanks
nice wave, i like it.haw about ficture at kuta reef…
Does anyone have tidal information for Bali 2011? Any information would be appreciated.
looking for tide charts for april and may 2011
we won’t have them until december sorry bro
Does anyone have tidal information for Bali 2011? Any information would be appreciated. Particulary june July
there is a new site called JB its really good for finding information without getting other people to do it for you. Check it out. 🙂
Or ask your father!
i can also guarantee that it will come in and go out atleast once during the day.
And usually it comes in after it has gone out.
Can you just shed a bit of light on what the * is representing next to some of the tide heights? Is it the moon cycle? It ranges from .3 to over 2.6m going across the page downwards diagonally.
Ta mate.
Rusty the * ,is the highest High Tide & the lowest Low Tide for that day. Every day the high tide is approximately 40 minutes later than the previous day due to cycle of the moons rotation around the Earth, any where on this Planet ok ..The Moon actually pulls the water , When the Moon rises in the East at the time of Sunset in the West , that is the night of the Full Moon, the next day the moon will rise 40 minutes after Sunset . 2 Days after the Full Moon, the Moon will appear an hour and 20 minutes after the sun has gone down.. etcetera OK and so the cycle of our EARTH goes on, read some books on it ,Interesting stuff and good knowledge to possess in a surfers’ brain …PJ Surfer, Fisherman & Merchant Seaman
The September tide chart is wrong- today is Sep. 4th not 5th, and how that effects the tides on your chart I have no idea
Sorry Mr B.B I’ll pass that on to my technician, I personally eye ball (already know) the ocean all day everyday….. But your right if it’s out as of Sept 4-5 the rest of the year would be out. Lets hope the people who create these original charts gets it right or, imagine in 6yrs time you won’t know what month it is let alone day. This is serious…………..
Gday Slim,How Quick can you get me tides for March/April 2012?Need to put my boat up on tha beach to change out crossbeams…..Cheers Davo
Does anyone know where we can look at the 2012 tides yet i cant find em anywhere?
thanks Mike
Gday Slim,would you have an idea when 2012 tide charts are out?Cheers Davo
Sorry mate we don’t normally get our hands on them until early Jan….
No wrys Ill look out for them thanks Slm
Hi guys,
we need tide charts 2012 urgently, could you help? Tx. Merry X-mas 🙂
Hi, we don’t usually get our hands on them until 2012 sorry. 🙁
looking for moon and tide charts for lakey peak sumbawa 2012 help
Hi Slim,
Try getting your hands on those tidal charts for balance of year please china, need to do some planning and get some bookings done. Rgds. Rod.
oh man , all those whingers busting slims balls for tide charts , work on plan B will yas , next youll be asking him read you a story and give you a kiss before you go to bed .
just look at other websites that already have them
Salamat Pagi. Sorry JFG but they [ there really are only 2 other options ] have been inaccurate for the last 21 years,nobody is whinging Ovad and nobody is doing any ball busting, when you plan ahead you normally get the prize … right. Thank you Slim for all the excellent work you do. I am sure the proper accurate Indo charts will be made public sooner than later. Terimah Kasih banyar.
Russians Go Home
hahaha – putkzn – that name sounds awfully Russian to me 🙂
thanks 4 the chart dude…..
my theory on the tide chart here is that there datum point needs adustment (i.e benoa)??? i got me own tide program off the net search around an you will find it!! then play around with it and you will be spot on all the time ( well nearly always)!! plus over 30 years as a fisherman gives me half an idea!! lol but yes you will find that most of them run off a bit over certain months of the year?? that is for your to figure out!!ha ha i am old school surfer who learnt to read weather maps ect,the internet has taking half the fun of surfing and that is the search an discovery aspect!! everthing has become too easy for the younger generation, internet, google maps,surf guides,surf schools ect!! no sour grapes here guys an ladies now which is great, so follow what rip curl say and SEARCH!!!! yeah putkzn does sound russian!! ha ha but they are another story with all the new crew learning the easy way i think the etiqupe of surfing has lost it a bit but that is progress, an now it is cool to be a surfer!! i liked it when society thought we were worse than bikkies an the people with tatts were criminals!!lol just my two bobs worth!!
Excellent theory MH, I 2 come from your same school but with maybe just a few more years expereance on ya. totally agree about the tatoo theory makes me embarrassed now having tats.
But this internet thing is not bad, especially for an old lazy surf bum. But i was going to blur out your mention of ripcurl……
Keep it coming bro.
tides plus the moon does change its distance from the earth at different times which makes it closer!! stronger tidal pull! sorry about the need to blur mate ,it wont happen again!!talking about rubbish bali
has been voted number 1 in indo and jakarta number 2 ,go figure!!
very interesting MH, especially that seeing that the majority of Bali’s domestic tourists come from Jakarta, I would assume ?
Ok everyone lets just keep up the example and all do our little part and keep this beautiful island of Bali clean.
If you walk your dog on the beach (dogs love it) please take a plastic bag or some old newspaper with you, and do your small part as well.
heres a thuoght on tidal dicrepcenes in tide books ,with the distance of the earth to the moon is able to vary by up to about 50,000 km of course this would affect the tides but is this consided in the forcasting of the tidal “predictions”?? sorry i know this is a site for surfing but tides do affect the waves an the dawn patrol surf session!!lol walk outside an have a look up tonite cant miss that moon!! you will catch my drift!!lol there has been 14 of these moons since the 1900 but it probably only vary the tides by a max at a rough guess of lees then 15cm?? plus being close to the equator cuold also play a part?? maybe one of your more educated guest to this site could give us the heads up!!
Hi , if anyone can help i would like to get tide chart and surf forecast for Bali 2013, the time we plan to travel is between April – May, Thanks
Oh No …, here we go all over again !!! …, with the annual end of year “Tide Chart Panic” (see; 1/17/12 comment)
The moon and, in lotless part other planet, influes on tide. We got the same moon all over the Earth, so we got the same coefficient of tide all other the planete.
Other point, the hight tide of the highest coefficient period is always at noon or very close; same for lowest tide of the lower of the lower period of tide.
By the years, I do know that June and december are lower tide coefficient, March and September the highest.
So living on an open coast on East Atlantic away of Ulu’s I apply my home tide table, leaving the time of the set coming from Ulu’s to Kuta beach to know the difference of time of tide. I just need Slim’s report to imagine to be there. Thank’s you again, Slim.
when you will have 2013 tide chart ? thanks
bali tide 2013 ?
Thanks again for the No.1 surfing website on the net 🙂 even though I don’t surf a real surfboard I’m still trying to learn how to stand up and if my mum lets me I want to come to Bali.
ade tide chart 2013 bli?????
@dennery – how do you work out the difference in tide times – difference between location and the tables? Or is it just ask local information and work it out?
ten wenten tide chart 2013 ngih?
nu nalih ngalihin beten kasur e blii..hahahahaha
hey now !!! hightide/lowtide just pull in side….enjoy the ride!!!
hi admin,
where I can get tide chart at night? is there any web can I check?
thank you,
Just take 13 hours off the daytime one. it advances 40 minutes every day. Tard.
looking for tide charts 2014 – where can i find?
Hi Slim
Hope you and the family are well. Love the site and daily email.
Can you help me find tide charts for 2015? (That king tide last week was massive!)
Thanks for your help!
Thanks Mike, all well over here and fingers crossed things stay that way 🙂
Sorry mate but it’s hard to get the tide charts until the end of the year ?
Gday mate, do u have 2015 tide charts. cheers
Hi Slim, you know any site that has the standard delays/advances on the benoa times that are posted online? I imagine the west coast would be fairly different to the Benoa tide charts? Thanks
Sorry Matt, we are just getting our tide charts for 2016 together right now