**** MORNING SURF UP-DATE **** Good morning and thanks for tunning inta the baliwaves surf and weather report machine. Oh well so much for going fishing today, perfect conditions for it except for one thing. Anyway @ 6.30am this morning there wasn’t a lot happening in the way of waves on the Outer Reefs of Tuban. Wave height woulda been lucky to have been pushing shoulder high on Middle Reef but very full, fat and seriously wind affected. Kuta Reef was hardly breaking and pretty much the same down at Airport lefts. I don’t think conditions will be improving either as we are approaching a 2.4mtr High Tide set to place around 10.00am. The next Low Tide is gunna be draining out to a 0.2mtr Low between 4.00-5.00pm. Best bet for a wave today would be down at Uluwatu or maybe even the beach breaks around Half-way and Padma St could be worth a paddle around high tide. It’s a pretty nice day outside plenty of blue sky upstairs. But the wind, it’s howling outta the ESE-SE upta 20knot at times, and has been since daybreak. A good day for flying kite’s. Anyway I’ll keep an eye on the ocean for ya’s and will get back to ya if there are any changes through out the day. I also want to give a HUGE THANK YOU to the 8 surfers who have kicked in and helped out baliwaves.com in some pretty hard times. Not bad I reckon, outta 60 odd thousand viewers that visit the site each month. Thanks crew ! Ok, stay in touch cause I don’t think it’s gunna be too long a wait before we get some new waves. That reminds of of something Neil Young wrote, “Every wave is new, until it breaks” Best Regards from the little tropical island of Bali.
Please if ya can help out baliwaves with a dollar or two we would certainly appreciate it, ( I certainly would..) I really wanna be able to do a lot more helping out with the less fortunate folk around Bali and Indo but first I need to make sure that baliwaves.com keeps it’s head above the high tide line, if ya know what I mean. Right now I’m just doing it, but my credit card is just about maxed out in the red. To tell ya the truth, I don’t want more than I need to get by. I’ve been borrowing cars for the last 8 years to get you guys the material that gets ya stoked. This isn’t an anual thing by the way, it’s just baliwaves.com asking for a helping hand at times of need. Thanks and Best Regards from Your Bali.
Why don’t ya send us an email if ya have any questions that might help your next Indo surfing holiday run that bit smoother. Discounts into G-Land. How to get over to Lakey Peak and still have money to spread around. Likewise if your looking for a cheap, clean and 100% surfer friendly place to home base at here in Bali.
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