**** MORNING SURF UP-DATE **** G’day folks I hope everythings running smooth for ya’s out there this morning. As ya’s can see in these photos I shot down at uluwatu yesterday the wind ended up going on/cross-shore on us here along the West coast of Bali. Even though conditions were still clean enough to find the odd tube ride etc etc. The set waves were coming through at a solid 6ft+ out on the Bombie and rolling through to the Peak and Racetrack. I was down there by 9.00am and at that time there were only 12 surfers in the water, and at one time the crowd.. dropped down to 6 surfers. WDT put in a few hours out at Kuta Reef while I was at Uluwatu, so I’ll load up some photos of KR later this afternoon ok. This morning the 29th and at 6.30am there were some real nice 3-4 footers peeling off on Middle Reef with the Low tide happening around 8.30am. Kuta Reef and Airports were still too shallow, but should be providing some head high 3 footers by mid-morning. At 6.30am surfing conditions were clean as a whistle with bugger all wind about, and now @ 8.15am I got a feeling it may even be coming outta the SE and off-shore. Yeah I’ll have to get down there and take another look, and I’ll try and type up an afternoon up-date for ya’s along with the new photos. We’ll also be keeping ya up ta date on what the waves are like all weekend so have a good one and drop in anytime. Best Regards from Your Favourite Holiday Island called Bali.
Good New’s Dept: Due to an extreme bout of “what a bloody co-incidence” I may have found an organisation that takes a special interest in taking care of little Balinese kiddies that haven’t got any parents. Getting them decked out in school gear and organising their school fees, books, etc etc. They are a fully volunteer type outfit and hopefully soon I’ll have the full run down on how we can help out.
Why don’t ya send us an email if ya have any questions that might help your next Indo surfing holiday run that bit smoother. Discounts into G-Land. How to get over to Lakey Peak. Likewise if your looking for a cheap, clean and 100% surfer friendly place to home base at here in Bali.
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