**** MORNING SURF UP-DATE **** Good morning crew and welcome to a fresh week of baliwaves. And what a good looking day we do have shaping up so far around this part of the World. I went down for a combined, garbage run / surf check @ 6.30am and there are some nice and clean little waves breaking on the Outer Reefs. Wave height between Kuta Reef and Airports was showing in the 1-3ft+ range. Middle Reef was picking up the bigger waves on the Outers (as usual) and there were a some head high peelers coming through. Wind direction was coming outta the ESE @ 2-5knot and straight off-shore from Legian all the way down to Uluwatu. The next tide will be a 1.9mtr High going down at 10.00am, followed by a 0.6mtr Low level around 4.00pm this arvo. New Moon today so watch the tide range difference’s increase over the next few days ! Pretty much solid blue sky outside and we’re gunna be in for more hot midday temperature, lately she’s been pushing the 33-34 degree Celcius (outta the shade). The water temperature is excellent, I can personally comfirm that, yeah very refreshing @ 23 degree’s celcius. I’m gunna be hitting the road and make the most of this off-shore wind, I reckon it’s gotta be Uluwatu or bust. Ulu would have to have some 2-4 footers on the Main Peak and Temple sections on the rising tide. Anyway if ya drop by later this evening I’ll give ya’s a detailed view from my favourite cliff side warung (cafe). Have a good one what eva ya got on out there and remember anytime’s a good time to start organising your friends for your next indonesian surfing adventure.
MORE GOOD NEWS : I know it’s taken awhile for me to get this organised but that’s how it is, when it’s a one man show. Anyway for starters anyone who is prepared to help out with the Balinese Orphan Scholarship / Sponsorship Program . In other words turn around the life of a child with some basic education and putting them into a family environment. Please take a look at this website: www.ihfonline.org These people have been providing this kind of help to the less fortunate for a long time and have been doing a great job. If you are interested in being a part of this program but have some questions send an email to the founder of I.H.F; [email protected] and I’m sure Carol will be able to give you the answers. Thanks again crew !!
Why don’t ya send us an email if ya have any questions that might help your next Indo surfing holiday run that bit smoother. Discounts into G-Land ’07 . How to get over to Lakey Peak . Likewise if your looking for a cheap, clean and 100% surfer friendly place to home base at here in Bali.
Best Regards from the No.1 surfing holiday destination that’s got it all.
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