Hey slim i dont want to be left out on the surf reporting so im gunna put one in from bells beach , Today is the first, i cant promise that they will be every day or entirely accurate but they will be written with the best intensions and a good karma approch.. bazz.. It is 3 days before the middle of July and you would think Bells would be smokin, well alass its not, the only smokin i seen today was from a couople of old crusties in there bongo van in the winki carpark.A light onshore southerly blew most of the day with just a few sunny breaks and a lot of rain, the swell was small and weak maybe 3 or so feet but no more.There is supposed to be an increase for the weekend but the wind is still looking suss so if u can head to bali and anoy slim he loves it he also loves a margarita so if the budget permits get him one or two.BAZZ..
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