This morning I had trouble waking up after a bad nights sleep but at 6am I was on my way to check conditions. The wind had swung around and was looking perfect for a little ride down to Uluwatu. I arrived on site at 7am and there was only 6 guys in the water. Conditions were clean and glassy and stayed that way till after I had packed up at around 11am. The crowd was still managable at around the 30 mark though I didn’t do a proper head count. Every now again a nice set would break through temples and that would have been my pick had I been surfing as there was very few making the paddle up the point with most opting for the main peak. The peak was definelty more consistant and set waves would come through in the 3ft mark or head high. Occassionally little bigger for the lucky enough to be in position. Most pople were getting waves and the usual carnage that is Uluwatu was going down, but seemingly in a friendly sort of way from my vantage point on the cliff. Ok we are expecting a little bump in wave hieght over the next few days so stay tuned it should be happening on Bali again shortly.
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