**** MORNING SURF UP-DATE **** Good morning friends and thanks for calling by the baliwaves.com for your daily fix of Bali surf and weather information . Ok I was down doing the surf recon of the Outer Reefs here in Tuban and wave height has definitely increased here along Bali’s West Coast . Wave height between Kuta Reef and Airport Left is now breaking in the shoulder to head high plus range. But unfortunately the wind is still blowing hard outta the West South West @ 7-12knot and on-shore with the tide running in for the late morning High. So once again surfing conditions along the West Coast are very poor to say the very least.
But on the other side of the Island on the East Coast surfing conditions are much more inviting with this wind providing cleaner cross/off-shore conditions. Our man Scotty Thompson is over there at the moment chasing waves and has sms’d me from his first stop which was Sanur Reef . Yesterday Sanur Reef was breaking nicely in the 2-4ft range and peeling off for a good 100yrds. But this morning Scott reckons wave height has backed off a touch there today and only showing in the waist to head high range with 7 surfers in the water. So Scott’s now heading for Keramas , and hopefully Scotto will have some new photos for us when he gets back to Home Base this afternoon. Serangan would be another option for a paddle today and I’m sure wave height would have to be getting there in the 2-3ft+ range.
Weather wise we have had more heavy rain through the night but we have a mainly blue sky showing up there this morning. Temperature wise it’ll be another hot and humid day for the lucky ones here on holidays.
Help Request : If anyone is going to be heading to Bali from the Perth area this month and would be willing to help us out by bringing a lap top computer over to us from a friend in Perth we’d be totally stoked. This lappy is not for baliwaves.com it will be going up to the Datah Primary School and has been offered up by a champion of a bloke named Shane Cavanagh. Drop me an email if you could help us out and I’ll put you in touch with Shane. Thanks.
I’m stoked that our Scholarship Program for underprivileged Balinese kids has done so well, THANKS BIG TIME to all the big hearted people who have got behind us and helped out. Now I’ve got a new program that I’d like to kick off. One that we can control and keep constant progress up-dates on. I’m talking about kinda adopting a school up in one of the area’s of Bali where there’s no cash flow from tourism and hardly any from anything else for that matter. The kids don’t have to pay school fees, because their Mum and Dad’s don’t have any money to pay. Half, or more of the kids that attend don’t even have shoes to wear to school and walk up to 4km’s bare footed or in rubber thongs just to be there. Now in my opinion this is a worthy project for us to think about. What I’d like to start off with is trying to raise enough cash to get electricity hooked up to the school, with electricity we can then look at a lot of other basic stuff, like a water pump etc etc etc.
Well Thanks to all the kind hearted folks that have helped us improve the conditions up at the Datah Primary School ! We are making some real progress with the objectives we made, so make sure you check out our progress at the school via the “SCHOOL PROJECT” page over on the menue bar .
Don’t forget if any of you lot want to grab some photos or video footage surfing here in Bali and we can easily arrange it for ya. Hey and do us a favor and buy a baliwaves.com T-SHIRT and help us to keep running this stuff, I don’t think many of you don’t really know how much time, effort and money we put into the running of baliwaves.com . You can find the link over on the right hand side of this page in the MENUE . I tell ya’s what I’ll give the first 50 surfers AU$10.00 off the price but you’ll have to email us first ok ! Money saver tip #752 : Anyone wanting to get out on a 3 island 7 day boat charter to Lembongan, Lombok and Sumbawa drop me a line cause I was talking to an operator last night and he’s offering the all inclusive trips for just AU$600.00 !!! Start organizing your crew now for the recommencement of these charters in March 08. Better still charter the boat privately with up to 10 of your friends for AU$6,000. all inclusive.
Why don’t ya send us an email if ya have any questions that might help your next Indo surfing holiday run that bit smoother. Discounts into G-Land ’07. How to get over to Lakey Peak . Likewise if your looking for a cheap, clean and 100% surfer friendly place to HOME BASE in Bali . Airconditioned rooms starting from AU$13.00 a night per single room and fan cooled rooms @ AU$8.00 per single room, here in Bali, and only a 10 minute walk down to the beach and Outer Reefs here in friendly Tuban . Finally, I just wanna refresh ya’s about what baliwaves.com is all about . We’re not trying to flog ya’s surf trips or sell ya’s anything for that matter, we’re just trying to show ya’s how good it is here in Bali / Indonesia for a surfing holiday. We want you guys to come over and have a ball and then go back home and tell your friends how good it is.
Best Regards from the No.1 surfing holiday destination that’s got it all, BALI , see ya’s here in 2008 !!!
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