OK well the weather made me a fool out of me. I was on my way home after stopping at the internet cafe to load up my latest report from Snapper. In the meantime the rain had decieded to clear away, all within an hour. A complete change around from the mornings conditions. Anyway I decieded to go an try and get a few more photos. Snapper was now on a low tide and was definelty breaking better with a few more barrells coming from behind the rock. I hung around for a while and got a number of new photos. I then packed up and decided to head back past the beach front at Kirra. I made a quick detour to the hill to look back up the beach and check out how the waves were lining up along the sand. Looking down at Kirra I could see a number of waves coming in and after seeing two perfect barrels run down the bank for a short length, I was there. I ran down to what was the old big groyne and watched as the surf just went off. It was not really Kirra but it was enough to make the point “Bring Kirra Back”. The waves were running down the bank for 60-80 mtrs but nothing compared to how it was. Imagine a wave like in the photos breaking the same way for 200 mtrs plus. That would be more the Kirra we love. The boys were getting shacked every wave almost and it was pretty hard not to go and get my board for a paddle myself. I got a heap of photos though and it was a good afternoon with some great waves going ridden. These five photos are just a sample of the conditions that went down. There was plenty more that I can’t show you due to lack of space but maybe another day. It was a toss up as to weather to show you snapper (which had some bigger waves from behind the rock) or these, but I guess the old girl dosn’t break to often, so I guess she wins out cause of that. Ok hope your getting waves, till next time!
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