Today I headed down to D’Bah about 3pm to check out what was happening while the tide was pushing back in. Conditions were pretty clean considering the howling SE wind. It was also pretty overcast and had to duck for cover during a couple of showers of rain. The waves have picked up though with some nice 2-3ft sets already here. Predictions are that the swell should be bigger again tomorrow and Monday so hopefully it will stay clean, and not just be storm surf. We might even start to see some point action at the good old super bank. Driving past there on the way to D’bah though it was still not really big enough to be doing anything to write home about. There was still a number of crew on it but most people were over at D’bah as it does tend to collect a bit more swell. I didn’t do a head count but I would guestimate around 50+ spread around the beach making the most of the various peaks. ok till next time.
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