8th April: I was down the beach at 6:30am and the wind was howling. Things out on the ocean were not looking as clean as yesterday but were still looking pretty good. I counted 60+ guys in the water spread along the beach already at that time of day. There were some great peaks coming in and the sand looks like its pretty damm good at the moment. Guys were getting barrelled and there was also some nice wackable walls to work on. It wasn’t as clean as snapper but it was bigger. Size wise I think it was pretty similar to yesteraday. The weather apart from the wind was better with no rain and only some heavey cloud cover down south over head it was pretty clear while I was shooting. The rain came later in the day. OK hope you enjoy this latest lot. Till next time!
Update 9th April: After work I went past snapper and D’Bah for a look and conditions were near perfect. Snapper was 2ft+ and running down the bank for as long as you like. People were spread from behind the rock all the way down the point. There was also a small crew attacking froggies I noticed as I headed over the hill to D’Bah. This again was the pick the sand is looking really good with the middle peak throwing up some nice barrells. D’Bah was in the 3ft range, the crowd was pretty thick 100+ but there appeared to be plenty of waves coming in with regular sets. It has been raining all day but late this afternoon the sun has come out and things are looking really good. If only I had thrown the camera gear in the car this morning hey! Till next time.
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