G-Land Chronicles 4th September 2010
G-land 4th Sept 2010
The sms text surf report from the G-Land Surf Camp was calling wave height to be down in the chest to head high plus class. The best waves were on Kong’s and Money Tree’s and only 3 people in the water at the time of this report.
G-Land 3rd Sept 2010
today’s sms text surf report from the G-Land Surf Camp was calling wave height in the head to almost double head high range this morning. Nice waves on Kongs and Money Tree’s and only 4 surfers in the water at the time of this report.
G-Land 2nd Sept 2010
our sms text surf report from the G-Land Surf Camp was also saying that wave height had dropped off quite a lot at G-Land. This morning at 6.45AM there was still head to double head high lines hitting Kong’s and Money Tree’s. Five surfers in the water on Money Tree’s at the time of this report.
G-Land 1st Sept 2010
Our sms text surf report from the G-Land Surf Camp was calling wave height o have jumped back into the head to double head high class. With Kong’s and Money Tree’s lining up nicely. No surfers in the water at 7.00AM.
G-Land 31st Aug 2010
Our sms text surf report from the G-Land Surf Camp was calling wave height in the shoulder to head high plus range. With glassy conditions on Kong’s and Money Trees with 4 surfers in the water.
G-Land 30th Aug 2010
Today’s sms text surf report from the G-Land Surf Camp was saying that wave height is still holding in the chest to slightly over head range. Nice fun sized lefts hitting Kong’s through to Money Tree’s. Three surfers in the water at 9.45am.
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