Kandui Surf Resort Mentawai Islands
May 11th surf report
We had a feeling our swell was going to turn more south overnight. Sure enough, we woke up to bombs coming in at 4 Bobs. The ocean was pretty much dead glass and there were no charter boats in sight! A predawn recon with the ski showed both Kandui and Rifles were going off! and all of the waves in front of the resort were firing as well! There was not one other surfer around! We quickly split up into two boats, goofies in one and naturals in the other, and got to it! Our guests were getting sick pits on both sides of the island and we were hearing “I just got the wave of my life” comments in the water, as we usually do when those waves are working. The Rifles crew had about as much as their bodies could take by about midday when some other people started showing up so we went in for lunch and a rest, but the goofyfoot boat went to Hideaways after their Kandui barrels and stayed out until around 3! They were pretty much the only ones out over there so they put off lunch and just stayed on it until finally some other surfers turned up. Manly men! A few guys managed to muster up enough energy for an afternoon surf out front, but most of the crew were content to drink a few Bintangs and watch a pretty spectacular slidshow of the about 2000 pictures we took today. Rediculous sequences!
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