2nd – 3rd May 2012
Howdy folks and welcome back to your baliwaves (since ’99) for the latest news on surfing and weather conditions plus plus. From right here on the Worlds best tropical surfing holiday destination of Bali.
Just to reassure you that we didn’t miss out on any serious surf action yesterday, it was pretty well in the micro class here on the Outer Reefs. So we called a lay day to stay home and play with my kids.
This morning the 3rd of April there was a touch more life on the Outer Reefs here in Tuban. Not much happening on Kuta Reef but there were a few fun sized waves on 2nd Reef down through Middle Reef and even a few waist high waves down the end on Airport Left. Surfing conditions couldn’t be better with the wind coming outta the East in the 8-10knot class. So I’m sure Uluwatu would be the pick of the crop here on Bali’s West Coast. There may be a little bitter size over on the East Coast but the wind would be trashing it out.
What I’ve got for you in today’s new Photo Gallery is around 80 new photos I shot down at Bali’s Premier surfing location, Uluwatu. The first 50 are pure Ulu Local’s with the cover shot featuring an old friend of mine named Made Lapur. Made too me has always been one of my favorite surfers to watch and photograph. The other guys are the New Breed coming on hard and fast, making themselves already well know at Uluwatu.
Today’s Tidal information has us down for a 2.1mtr High @ 8.00Am and then making it’s way back out to a 0.6mtr Low around the 2.30PM mark.
Weather wise today we’ve got a mainly hot and sunny blue sky class of perfect holiday type of day. Currently right now at 12.30PM the outside temperature is sitting on 30 degree’s Celsius. Sunrise = 6.22AM / Sunset = 6.10PM
Later this afternoon I’ll have a few friends of mine from Brazil returning from their heavily discounted 4 day tour of the legendary waves of G-Land (G-Land Surf Camp). I’m pretty well 100% certain they are gunna have a tonne of photos for us to load up here on the baliwaves.com so stay tuned. Man, I’ve also got some hot press releases from Tim @ the ISC Tour. Plus, another friend of the baliwaves (Yanai) has sent me a nice little sequence on Mr Kelly Slater popping a sick air at Keramas. Then, we’ve got our friends from South Sumatra who have sent me some sick sick waves (photos) and info from their set up, up North. Troy the brains in the baliwaves engine room is here on Bali currently getting our New Web Cam tweaked and spitting out images, so as soon as I get the word you will be the first to know, trust me.
For any of you that just want nothing more than a hassle free, get up and go surf perfect waves every morning (pending Huey), see and do what the hotel / resort sect don’t. Well we have some new surfing / accommodation packages that will have you at the right location at the right time everyday. All deals include your own photographer at no extra cost. Hit this info link to find out more. Limited space, so get in early or you’ll be doing it the hard way.
We also have a few “Home Stay” type rooms available for any of our viewers looking for some clean and tidy accommodation here in Tuban. all rooms are air conditioned, including breakfast for Rp225,000 per night, or Rp275,000 for couples. Plus 1 room that’s fan cooled for Rp150,00 per night. Surfers need to apply, party animals head for Kuta.
Feel free to contact us via email about your next trip to Bali and we might just be able to help make it run a little smoother for you.
Best Regards from Bali
Disclaimer; Baliwaves.com accepts no responsibility for absenteeism, day dreaming, depression, lethargy, alcoholism, jealousy, black magic or loss of wages. Any reference or resemblance to real living people in these reports are purely co incidental.
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