The Kandui Surf Resort, Mentawai Islands
June 19th surf report
We’ve had a good couple of days since that last report. The swell picked up and all the waves have in front of the resort have been looking good. Rifles has had some nice waves as well, but usually some long waits in between sets. I’ll attach a couple pics of 4 Bobs, which has been about as good as it gets, and a few of Rifles. If we could complain, it would be that the double edged sword of having good winds around the resort bunched the charter boats up around here as well so it was busy at times, but the waves have been so good that I think everyone is satisfied. Looking for dropping swell but it should still be fun. It always is!
June 14th Surf Report
We’ve had an unusual wind pattern for this time of year with strong north to northwest winds blowing. That’s been limiting us to where we can surf, and limiting everyone else too, so we’ve had to deal with some crowds. We have been surfing some spots uncrowded with a bit of bump and have gotten Nipusi with just a few guys and good conditions, but Bankvaults has been the best wave around and it’s been busy. Looks like this wind pattern is going to linger on for a few more days as well so we are expecting more of the same, but then the winds are forecast to lighten up and the swell to increase so the last few days of our guest’s trip should be memorable. Fingers crossed!
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