23rd September 2013
Hello everyone and thanks for calling by the (the original Bali surf report website since 1999) to see what’s happening surf and weather wise on your favorite tropical surfing holiday destination of BALI.
Well as most of you must know by now Slim has ducked off island for 36hrs and is expected back in Bali later this evening. But just to keep the ball rolling Ketut took a trip down to Bingin yesterday to see what was happening down on the mechanical left hander. As it shows there were still some fun little tube rides for those that wanted them and plenty of sunshine to do it all in.
Ketut sms’d me earlier this morning to say he had the camera equipment back out on the road and down at Padang Padang shooting. Apparently we have a had a nice little boost in wave height over night and at the time I got the news there were some double head high waves breaking down at Padang Padang.
Just for the record I’ve also loaded up another surf report and photos from our friends at the Kandui Surf Resort up in the Mentawai islands. Plus another new photo gallery from the crew over at Joyo’s G-Land Surf Camp. And you can find them on their respective report pages.
Web Cam, after a successful meeting with our on island web cam technician everything is ready to run with the baliwaves web cam and we should have the power running again in the next few days, just in time to see some lines peeling down the line at Impossible’s.
NB: all photos on are edited to low resolution / quality as possible for easier viewing. We do have all the original photo files for safe keeping and just drop contact us if you need a full resolution / quality original.
Bali lifestyle opportunity
ATTENTION: We have another fantastic well maintained Western owned Villa for sale in the MEDEWI by the beach. This Villa is the real deal built with style and tonnes of space. Just contact me if your seriously interested and I’ll send you all the info and photos I have and put you in direct contact with the owner. The early bird gets the goods.
Hey if anyone of you has a Bali property you want to sell drop me a line as the baliwaves can help you move it.
Special Bali ACCOMMODATION / SURFING DEAL: AIR CONDITIONED ROOM including BREAKFAST, un limited mineral water + DAILY SURF TRIPS all around Bali for Rp650,000 (around US$60.00) per day per person INCLUDING ALL YOUR SURFING PHOTOS !!! This is single surfer price, way cheaper for 2 or more surfers
FAN COOLED ROOM FOR JUST Rp125,000 (aroundUS$12.00) a night (single occupant)
AIR CONDITIONED ROOM WITH BREAKFAST for only Rp 200,000. (around US$20.00) a night (single occupant). Included un limited mineral drinking water, tea or coffee. Limited space so get in first and contact us right now !
GET PICKED UP FROM YOUR HOTEL and SURF, you’ll be taken to the best waves on the island to suit your level, see some of Bali’s surf breaks that aren’t on the map, avoid crowds and be at the right place at the right time. And we’ll also shoot all your surfing photos (included in price) with high end camera equipment. 1 x surfer = Rp600,000 around US$60.00, 2 or more surfers = Rp450,000 around US$45.00 per surfer. Contact us right now !
You’ll also find baliwaves on Facebook, twitter (balisurfreport or baliwaves) & instagram (@baliwaves) so get on it !
Feel free to contact us via email about your next trip to Bali and we might just be able to help make it run a little smoother for you.
Best Regards from Bali
Disclaimer; accepts no responsibility for absenteeism, day dreaming, depression, divorce, lethargy, alcoholism, jealousy, black magic, Bali belly or loss of wages. Any reference or resemblance to real living people (or walkers) in these reports are purely co incident + all material appearing on can under no circumstance be re printed or used in anyway without written permission from
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