Joyo’s G-Land Surf Resort
25th March 2016
Here’s some photos that the boys from G-Land have sent through. Not your average type of Speed Reef or Money Tree’s type of photos. Here’s a glimpse of the different types of accommodation available at Joyo’s Surf resort in G-Land. Long gone are the days of roughing it over “in camp” So if you would like to get over to the magical Alas Purwo national park of East Java and sample some of the most perfect waves on offer with the most pristine surrounds while your at it.
Then get this,
25% DISCOUNT for any surfers here in Bali who wants to get over to G-Land through the month of March. Their camp is open right now as I type and there are surfers in there right now surfing perfect waves with clean wind. All you need to do is contact us first here at baliwaves and then you score a 25% discount for the month of March. If you want to go over in any other month this year just contact us and we’ll put some pressure on the owners to give you a discount as well.
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