Nias Fortnightly Surf Report 26 Oct-08 Nov 2017 Nias Fortnightly Surf Report 26 Oct-08 Nov 2017
By Mark Flint from the deck of KabuNohi Sorake Resort, Lagundri Bay
Summary: A classic late season mid-size (up to 6ft) swell for the last days of October followed by some wet weather and fun sessions at Kiddies corner for the first week of November.
Thursday 26th October: Crisp morning offshore with overcast skies. Waves are small but clean and it’s the flattest day of the season so far. Waves to 2 feet peel with perfection hugging the kiddie’s corner reef with only 2 surfers enjoying the serenity of the cool morning offshore and crystal clear of the still ocean. Wind remains offshore for the day & waves improve on the kiddies’ corner giving some great rides in along the reef edge. Our new guest are out and amongst it and they intermediate surfers with some high volume short boards and loving it. Afternoon runners down the inside reef, sets of a great end to the all offshore day New Guests stoked on the small waves, just what they are looking for to ease into their trip.
Friday 27th October: Crisp offshore with some gusting winds down the bay & cloud cover with signs of rain. Swell has increased a little with some small 2-foot waves trying to break on the outside point but the best option is still the kiddies corner protected by the wind and running close down the reef edge. Low tide morning with little tidal movement in the present moon stage. Waves remain small and infrequent, wind is offshore but a very slow day for surfing
Saturday 28th October: Some overnight rain. Crisp offshore morning breeze but alas waves are still small and slow into the morning session. Waves breaking on the outside point are showing signs of improving. A beautiful morning sunrise, sets the day of for small but rising waves and the predicted new swell pulse for Sunday into Monday of the new week.The Mid-morning sees some great small waves draining on the inside section into end bowl, but these are infrequent. The afternoon sees some shoulder high sets on the outside point but infrequent; but a sign of better things to come. Great afternoon sunset and a pleasant small wave day on the point.
Sunday 29th October: Morning sees a slight swell increase and signs that it could get better real soon with 4-foot waves and offshore wind. Cloud cover with signs of rain are the highlights of the morning session.Afternoon session see plenty of nice waves up to head high and pink orange sky highlights
Monday 30th October: Overnight rain with a low-pressure system strengthening off and intensifying the SSW wind stream. Sloppy seas and messy waves to 4 feet off the point with overcast and rainy morning. Things clear up during the mid-morning with brief rays of sunshine, the offshore increases and waves clean up with some 5 foot sets on the outside break. Cloud cover is in and out with very overcast afternoon with some pleasant overhead waves Tuesday 31st October: Overnight drizzle rain with a little wind & the morning sees the rain abate with the crisp offshore & waves to 5 feet peeling off the point with great form. Cloudy skies to keep the sun at bay make for a pleasant and cool morning session. Waves remain consistent during the day. A nice afternoon session on the rising tide with some bigger sets up to 6 foot and some nice take offs with hollowing end bowl section.
Wednesday 1st November: Clear sunny morning with smaller waves off the point & steady offshore and brilliant sun for the start of what should be a great surf day. Waves and conditions stay the same throughout the day with steady offshore blowing, sunshine and waves. Late arvo with the fuller waves of the rising tide sees a few bigger sets pulse through on dusk but swell is dying off. All up an amazing day with perfect weather and perfect waves. Thursday 2nd November: Overnight Rain flattens the surf this morning. Offshore winds prevail & cloudy skies make it cool but alas the waves have dropped back with infrequent sets to 2 feet off the outside point. The day remains the same with on & off rain storms & wind offshore. The rising afternoon tide produces some peeling small wave into kiddie’s corner and a nice peak section on the rice bowl end section.KabuNohi guests head off to village and local school for a day’s adventure and to rest up from their previous days of hot weather and surfing.
Friday 3rd November: Overnight rain with the tropical NW. monsoons brings in the rain. Wind offshore & waves to 2 feet but slow on the outside point. Inside kiddie’s corner with the large tides is running high on the reef top producing nice ramps and running lines down to the rice bowl in front of the KabuNohi Deck. Raining on and off all day waves remain small with offshore for the kiddies’ corner and rice bowl section
Saturday 4th November: Another wet night with the rains consistent throughout. Wind remains offshore & waves also remain at the previous days height with conditions of 2 foot inconsistent off the point but some nice peelers hugging the protected side of the kiddies’ corner reef to the rice bowl section in front of the KabuNohi deck. The weather start to show signs of clearing as we move into the afternoon
Sunday 5th November: Crisp offshore morning, rain has stopped for the time being & waves/surf remains small but very pleasant 2-3-foot conditions this morning. With the fuller tide running waves from the outside peak down into Kiddies corner. Low tide the surf quietens down with the new pulse coming in on the rising tide. The afternoon session is a typical Sunday with the grommets ruling all the sections of the waves, play time in Kiddies corners with some nice kiddie’s corner runners peeling faultlessly down to rice bowl section. For the patient a few outside 2-foot waves off the outer point which could with a challenge be linked into the kiddies’ corners section and ending at rice bowls (+/- 300-meter ride) great way to end the day with some paddle and exercise.
Monday 6th November: Bright sunny morning with crisp offshore wind, alas the waves are small again with 2-foot peelers occasionally on the outside point. More action starting with the rising tide along the kiddies’ corner section of the reef, seeing a few surfers spread over the 300 meters length of the break from Outside Point to Rice bowl section.
Tuesday 7th November: Consistent rain throughout the night continues into the day & waves have been dampened down to a small inside kiddies’ corner for those who brave the now winter like conditions. No let up as the rain comes down for the remainder of the day and into the evening surf is small waves are still breaking small on the inside kiddies’ corner with offshore win, but generally conditions are only for the die hard. A good book in the hammock is the call of the day for most on days like this!
Wednesday 8th November: Rain has set in with more pours overnight and into the morning. Waves are small breaking at Kiddies corner, a few keen souls exercise before breakfast on this tropical rainy day. Rain throughout the remainder of the day, waves improve slightly with the tide with the day ending still in rain but some nice peelers from the outside point through the sections, kiddies corner into rice bowls in front of the KabuNohi Deck That’s how the last 2 weeks played out here in Nias. Mark Flint signing off from the deck of KabuNohi Sorake Resort.
Don’t forget our OFF-PEAK sale is on now. Affordable rates for luxury all-inclusive packages! Mellow vibes and consistent waves on offer. What are you waiting for?
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