Nias Surf Report 28Dec17-04Jan18
By Mark Flint from the deck of KabuNohi Sorake Resort, Lagundri Bay
2017 Ends with a bang of waves and fireworks.
Thursday 28th December
Bright crisp morning wind change with the South-East breeze showing signs of influence, hopefully a weather pattern to dry
Noticeable current bushing into the bay with the first signs of the predicted SW long period swell on the way, by Mid-morning more action with a few bigger sets to 4 feet off the point wind remains from the SE quadrant but not detrimental as the swell is still green and straightening up as it hits the reef waves improve throughout the day with the now offshore wind blowing 4 to 5-foot set waves giving great rides across the outside point
First long period SW swell that we have seen for some time, also coinciding with the full moon on the
Friday 29th December
New Guests arrive, Shaun & Jai Levings and Darren Lord in on the swell!
Crisp offshore with sun shining, no rain overnight! Waves still 3 – 4 feet on the outside point no one out first light, great conditions and empty waves. Sets increase to some 5 feet + waves sets with a slight wind in from the south bumping the ocean up but with little effect to the wave face. Still pumping waves abound for the afternoon session with very good surfing to be seen and great waves had by all. Shaun surfs for 4 hours in the afternoon after arriving at Lunchtime.
Saturday 30th December
Crisp offshore morning with great conditions and waves, glassy 3-4-foot set waves peel across the outside point, mid-day session has constant perfect “crystal Cylinders with the oil glass conditions and brilliant sunshine, the afternoon rolls on with oil glass and slight s. west wind
Sunday 31st December
Crisp offshore conditions with slight overcast skies glassy morning waves to 3 feet making for enjoyable end of year morning of waves, conditions remain the same throughout the day with glassy to oily conditions and constant waves breaking off the point. Afternoon high tide see the outside point fill up with now long inside kiddies corner waves peeling along the top of the reef. New year’s preparation on the KabuNohi Deck as the afternoon fades to the end of the year.
Happy New Year – Party on the deck with fireworks display! Great end to 2018 with our first New Year’s using the KabuNohi Deck
End of the 2017 – into 2018 with a great surfing end with 3 days of consistent small waves oily glassy conditions. Apart from our 4 guests there are very few internatational visitors around other than some beginner Europeans, Koreans and Japanese surfers spending the end of the year in the tropics.
Monday 1st January 2018
Crisp Offshore Morning waves small with a few still breaking on the outside point and into Kiddies Corner wind in from the south east slight takin the clean edge of the faces, waves start to line up better with the incoming tide. Pleasant afternoon with kiddie’s corner peeling off down the line, locals giving the Deck View entertainment into the late afternoon
Tuesday 2nd January
Bright sunny morning with small waves on the outside point 2-3 feet inconsistent waves set of the new year morning with only 3 people surfing the ideal conditions. The sun is bright and looking at a hot day, into the afternoon with rising tide some top kiddies corner action along the top off the reef in front of the deck. Great end of the day
Wednesday 3rd January
Overcast spotted rain morning small waves on the outside point with a lot of learners trying their luck mid-morning no crowds with a few 2-foot peelers across the outside point and more action down into kiddies. Wind swing and strengthening breeze from the west showing signs of a weather pattern change swell increase from the west during the day. Late afternoon on the high tide peelers across the kiddie’s corner section
Thursday 4th January
Bright sunny morning with crisp offshore conditions, waves very small on the outside, kiddies corner with some small early morning running waves to make the morning exercise. Small waves throughout the day with a bigger pulse mid-morning with some nice peelers on the outside point. Afternoon with the rising tide waves drop back to kiddie’s corner with some great peelers along the mid-section running into rice bowls
After a prolonged period of in Early to late December of small waves and plenty of wet weather it was awesome to end the year with a solid swell.
All up 2017 has been a great year and 2018 will be even better with the addition of a swimming pool, games room and family bungalow at KabuNohi Sorake resort.
Until next time, Mark Flint signing off from the surf deck with a fresh fruit juice in hand!
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