Nias Surf Report – April 2018 Summary by Mark Flint of KabuNohi Sorake Resort.
Historically April is the month we see the first 6’ + swell of the year however this April we experienced consistent 2-6’ conditions but nothing in the mega range. To be honest this kept all travelling surfers happy with great conditions and long walls to carve or get barrelled. The local’s surfers are always impressing the tourists in and out of the water and it’s rare to travel anywhere these days where the locals are so welcoming if you are friendly and cool to surf with. They’ll give you set waves after they get to know you unless you are a greedy tourist and think you are entitled to whatever wave you want. Lagundri Bay/Sorake Beach locals are a cool bunch of guys and girls and you’ll get to know them during your stay in Nias and you may remain life-long friends.
No doubt May will get 1 or 2 solid swells that last for a few days and will see some hardcore chargers getting some incredible barrels. In between these swells we’ll continue to see consistent 3-6’ user friendly waves and a great vibe in and out of the water.
KabuNohi Sorake Resort only accommodates a maximum of 16 guests and offers high quality rooms and highly acclaimed food. Mark & Deb Flint look forward to welcoming you to the only upmarket resort style accommodation at Lagundri Bay. Space is filling fast for peak season with affordable rates at the best value surf resort in Sumatra.
Until next time, Mark Flint signing off from the surf deck with a fresh fruit juice in hand!
Contact us for all the information on how to get to Nias
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