G-Land Surf & Weather Report
5th August 2023
Thanks again to our good friends over at Joyo’s G-Land Surf Camp for keeping us in the loop with the arrival of some new swells wrapping into G-Land. G-Land rarely disappoints the surfers that visit (wsl not included) It looks like the numbers have receded over in camp and now there’s empty waves peeling through. I’ve also heard that there has been a crew of surfers scoring fun little perfect waves down the reef on Tiger Tracks.
On the 5th there was a lot of anxiety going around with the expectations of predicted mega swell hitting our area. What was delivered was not quite as big as expected and probably to the relief of a lot of us. Although G-Land was still feeling some solid swlls hitting the reef, as Bali did in certain locations. But this swell was showing to be bigger to the West of Bali. Dropping down this morning but still lots of waves to be had through most of Indonesia.
“This stretch of reef offers waves for all level of surfer all set in the most natural and pristine Indonesian national park in resort style accommodation at Joyos Surf Camp”
If anyone would like to get over there for the essential G-Land experience drop us a line and we can get you over there with a bit of a discount. Just hit us up right here if you want to be on the next boat.
Speed Boat departure dates for Joyo’s G-Land Surf Camp for August 2023
9 – 12 – 15 – 18 – 21 – 24 – 27 – 30
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