Hello to everyone who has been cursing my name for not keeping ya’s upta date on the Bali blue water type fishing. Just to fill some of you in on what we actually get up to is this. Usually me and my local fishermen friends do quite a lot of fishing when ever the conditions let us. We don’t have any big game type boats, we just use the Balinese style traditional wooded boats with double bamboo outriggers. But we do have modern outboard engines. Normally we only troll 1-3 lures at a time, once again it’s all about what the conditions dictate to us. I personally prefer to use my pair of old Diawa Sea Line 600H reels that hold a good 600+ yards of 40lb test on sturdy rods for trolling the Rapalla lures frequently providing us the hookups. What we also get quite a lot of over here on the West Coast of Bali is some very respectable sized schools of Jackal (trevally family) and Tuna. These schools come up to the surface to feed on the small bait fish that appear around this coast through the dry season. Spectacular action as the fish churn up the surface, sometimes a few hundred metres of the surface will be erupting. We also take our very light weight spinning rods with us especially for this. For me it’s always a great day when I get to go out fishing, the only thing on the mind is hoping to hear those rachets screaming. The amount of sea life is still pretty amazing off the coast of Bali with lots of whales, dolphins, turtle’s, sharks etc etc, you know the kinda stuff you don’t get to see in most places.
Alright So now all we need is some more photos for ya’s. If you have any make sure you send them to us to load into the gallery. I’ll certainly be doing my best to get you some fish to look at !
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