Howdy folks, welcome aboard This mornings 6.15am surf check of the Outer Reefs here in Tuban was showing a slight bump in wave height. Not a hell of a lot, but an increase all the same. Wave height in between Kuta Reef and Airport Left was in the 1-3ft range on the bottom end of the morning tide. Wind direction was coming outta the NW at 3-4knot and cross/on-shore along the West coast of Bali. Clear sky and heavy humidity courtesy from the nights rainfall being sucked back outta the ground. I made the run down to Uluwatu (current photos) around 8.30am to find 12 surfers sitting out the front on the Main Peak. Wave height down on the Peak was a decent 2-4ft with the very very occassional bigger freak set. It was also on-shore down at Ulu but nowhere near what you’d call blown out by any means. I hung out down in the shelter of the cliff side warungs till 12.30pm hoping on the wind swinging back to the East and off-shore, but it never happened.
While I was down at Uluwatu Dennis headed to Keramas over on the East coast with the DV camera. He said it was pert near perfect breaking up to 4ft on the set waves, but with a solid crowd of something like 35 surfers on it. We’ll have some video clips from Keramas to load up for ya’s later tonight or early tomorrow morning.
Ok my fellow surfers and surfetts, this is where I gotta ask ya’s for just a wee bit more patience as I get the hang of the new system in regards to loading up reports etc etc. Ya see everytime I load a freshie I’m gunna be sending out emails of the report to everyone who has submitted their email address into our subscriber list. But it ain’t gunna take me too long to suss it all out. Alrighty then, I hope ya been having a good day out there, stay tuned cause it’s not over yet, I tell ya. Organise ya friends and get yaselves over here pronto if your after soom sunshine, warm water and perfection. Best Regards from 100% surfer friendly Bali.
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