dear slim,
mate, just want to say a big thanks for putting together that 1min video a the botom of your home page. Video 2 is me(alex mac) in the white shirt and nick james(red shirt).
It made my trip to see that, and cant believe my luck on you getting that great footage.
I love race tracks, its probably one of my favourite waves alongside bingin(when its not so crowded). The good thing about race tracks is that know one can chill out and whatch it from the warungs. They can only see temples or main peak. Its like bingin but a longer wall and rounder.
I have surfed ulus alot over the years, the first time was when I 12 yrs old. Had to get a lift on a motorbike way back on the main road, it took like 10 mins down this little track, and you came in where those public toilets came in. There was also that dodgy bamboo ladder going into the cave, and that would in turn take a barlo to have to carry your board down that thing, but fuck, the wave is still the same, and its so fun. But this trip, I never realized, how good race tracks was.
Also we were checking your website all the time up till we came and it was perfect, always spot on reports.
cheers mate,
alex mac
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