**** MORNING SURF UP-DATE **** Good morning surfers and welcome to a good looking day of waves and sunshine here in Bali. My 6.45am surf check o the Outer Reefs was looking like wave height had infact backed off a touch. Even though, wave height is still in that 2-4ft+ range. Kuta Reef was breaking perfectly in the 2-3ft+ range and there were already quite a few riders in the line-up. Middle Reef was still pulling the odd 5 footer and showing good form for the half a dozen crew out there. Airport Lefts was holding 2-3ft and the usual Japanese contingency were making there way out there by the boat load. The tide was running up to 2.5mtr High water line set for around 10.30am and then falling back to a 0.2mtr Low tide @ 5.00pm. The sky here over Tuban is clear and blue and we should be in for a warm to hot Monday. Wind direction was as clean off-shore as it gets, coming outta the East in the 2-5knot range. Ok I’m gunna start loading the camera gear into the borrowed wheels and make a bee line for Uluwatu for high tide on the Main Peak. It’s another one of those, take your pick where ya wanna go surf type days. Make sure ya call in later on this afternoon. Best Regards from Your favourite Tropical Island.
baliwaves.com wants to help out with a charity organisation caring for Balinese Orphans, by finding kind hearted folks to sponsor kids for their basic schooling needs. Surfer-girl won’t be involved with the Orphan Sponsorship Program as of the 12th of June. But we will find a way to keep it continuing, so drop us an email if you’d like to help out. It doesn’t cost much to provide a poor little kid with a school uniform, school fee’s and books.
Here’s a quick up-date on the Bali Orphan Project, last week baliwaves.com found sponsors for 3 unfortunate Balinese kiddies. Now if we can only keep the momentum going I know we can do some more, AU$8.00 per month per year for everything needed to put a child in school.
Feel free to send us an email if ya have any questions that might help your next Indo surfing holiday run that bit smoother. Discounts into the G-Land camp of your choice. How to get over to Lakey Peak and still have money to spread around. Likewise if your looking for a cheap, clean and 100% surfer friendly place to home base at here in Bali.
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