**** MORNING SURF UP-DATE **** Good morning to all you surfers dropping into the baliwaves today. Well my 7.00am surf check of the Outer Reefs here in Tuban was showing another boost in wave size between Kuta Reef and Airport Left. The tide was still a touch too low, running upto a High of 2.5mtrs around 11.00am-12.00noon. Even though, there were already quite a few surfers on Kuta Reef. There waves were pretty well non-stop in the 3-4ft range and then the sets were almost maxing it out @ 5ft+. I couldn’t see anyone out at Middle Reef, the sets woulda been pushing 5-6ft+. Slightly smaller waves down towards the Airport more like 2-4ft. The wind was slightly on-shore outta the NNW @ 2-4knot but not having too much effect on the waves. Right now @ 9.00am it is starting to swing off-shore from the ESE-SE and will more than likely get pretty strong by lunch time. There’s a bit of cloud floating around but not too much, all in all Bali’s shaping up for a serious day of beach and surfing. Ok I’m gunna check out yesterdays video footage and see if I can get a fresh clip or two loaded up for ya’s. Then I’m gunna go and grab my 6’4″ DIVERSE and take a closer look at the waves on Kuta Reef with WDT. Tune in again later on this afternoon and I’ll give ya’s the full run down on the waves and weather. Or ya can simply get down to your local travel agent and book in a coupla weeks of perfect waves and tropical weather ! Best Regards from Your Bali.
baliwaves.com wants to help out with a charity organisation caring for Balinese Orphans, by finding kind hearted folks to sponsor kids for their basic schooling needs. Surfer-girl won’t be involved with the Orphan Sponsorship Program as of the 12th of June. But we will find a way to keep it continuing, so drop us an email if you’d like to help out. It doesn’t cost much to provide a poor little kid with a school uniform, school fee’s and books.
Here’s a quick up-date on the Bali Orphan Project, last week baliwaves.com found sponsors for 3 unfortunate Balinese kiddies. Now if we can only keep the momentum going I know we can do some more, AU$8.00 per month per year for everything needed to put a child in school.
Feel free to send us an email if ya have any questions that might help your next Indo surfing holiday run that bit smoother. Discounts into the G-Land camp of your choice. How to get over to Lakey Peak and still have money to spread around. Likewise if your looking for a cheap, clean and 100% surfer friendly place to home base at here in Bali.
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