**** MORNING SURF UP-DATE **** Howdy folks and welcome to the baliwaves and another weekend coming on that’s gunna be choka block full of waves. I did mention in yesterdays report that we should be in for a new wave generating system in the near future, and this morning when I did my 6.30am eye ball on the ocean there were indeed some nice little lines wrapping onto Middle Reef in the 3ft or head high sector. The tide was still on the run in for a 1.9mtr High set down @ 9.00am with the Low tide happening through the afternoon around 3.00pm @ 0.5mtrs. Kuta Reef and Airports were not getting as much swell as the Middle Reef, more like 1-2ft at best. Yesterday a few of the local grommets surfed at Padma St up in Legian and reckoned it was cranking @ shoulder high plus an I’m sure it would be even better up there this morning. Bugger all wind this morning but what there is is coming off-shore, right now @ 7.30am it’s E-ESE @ 1-3knot. We’ve also got some dark patches of cloud moving across the sky for starters. I’m gunna hang out for a little while then maybe go for a ride down to Uluwatu and see if there’s any low tide action on the Racetrack. So it should be worth dropping by later this evening for a detailed look at some Bali waves. Hey, and coming up next week we’ve got a real bonus happening for ya’s, but ya’ll have to wait and see won’t ya. Time again for another Full Moon on the 5th so we will be seeing some fairly largish diferences in the tide range between the high and the low. Alright then make the most of what eva ya got left on today and start organising your friends and planning your next Indonesian tube fest now !
MORE GOOD NEWS : I know it’s taken awhile for me to get this organised but that’s how it is, when it’s a one man show. Anyway for starters anyone who is prepared to help out with the Balinese Orphan Scholarship / Sponsorship Program. In other words turn around the life of a child with some basic education and putting them into a family environment. Please take a look at this website: www.ihfonline.org These people have been providing this kind of help to the less fortunate for a long time and have been doing a great job. If you are interested in being a part of this program but have some questions send an email to the founder of I.H.F; [email protected] and I’m sure Carol will be able to give you the answers. Thanks again crew !!
Why don’t ya send us an email if ya have any questions that might help your next Indo surfing holiday run that bit smoother. Discounts into G-Land. How to get over to Lakey Peak. Likewise if your looking for a cheap, clean and 100% surfer friendly place to home base at here in Bali.
Best Regards from the No.1 surfing holiday destination that’s got it all.
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