**** AFTERNOON SURF UP-DATE **** Hello folks, sorry no morning up-date this morning and I’m only typing this up now cause I’ve been thinking about you lot getting the Bali fix. Yep Slim gets sick too ! Anyway wave height has dropped off on the Outer Reefs of Tuban, around 1-3ft max in between Kuta Reef and Airports. Wind direction has been coming outta the West all day upta 8knot and on-shore. But don’t forget she’d be straight off-shore over on the East Coast of Bali. Weather wise it’s hot and sunny, and I wish I had air conditioning to name but one thing. Ok crew, I’ve loaded some photos up that WDT and Simon have taken from around the place. Hopefully I’ll be back on my feet by tomorrow, fingers crossed hey. Don’t forget to flick through the dozen or so video clips we’ve got loaded up on baliwaves, there’s gunna be hundreds more coming ! Here’s a quick up-date on the Balinese Orphan Sponsorship Program we’ve been pushing; yesterday we had a proper gentleman from the UK donate 500 Pound Sterling to the IHF !!! And remember this is a 100% non profit organisation. While I’m at it Mr Tony Garcia who is the author of some great surfing related (fiction) books has donated a heap of his latest novels for me to give away to anyone who can take part in sponsoring a Balinese Orphan. These books are a good read (red em all) and relate to surfing around, Bali / G-Land / South America and a heap of other locations. So drop me a line and I’ll send ya some books ! You can also check Tony’s website for a look at his work at www.soldierboy.com If anyone out there has a good product that’s made for travelling surfers you should drop me an email and we’ll help ya target your market. This year we had a heap of drama’s with the running of baliwaves.com and we were still managing to attract 70,000 unique viewers per month and up ta 20,000 page views per day. I think we’ve got a good product ! So drop us a line. Now’s a good time to start organising your friends for your next indonesian surfing adventure in ’07.
MORE GOOD NEWS : I know it’s taken awhile for me to get this organised but that’s how it is, when it’s a one man show. Anyway for starters anyone who is prepared to help out with the Balinese Orphan Scholarship / Sponsorship Program . In other words turn around the life of a child with some basic education and putting them into a family environment. Please take a look at this website: www.ihfonline.org These people have been providing this kind of help to the less fortunate for a long time and have been doing a great job. If you are interested in being a part of this program but have some questions send an email to the founder of I.H.F; [email protected] and I’m sure Carol will be able to give you the answers. Thanks again crew !!
Why don’t ya send us an email if ya have any questions that might help your next Indo surfing holiday run that bit smoother. Discounts into G-Land ’07. How to get over to Lakey Peak . Likewise if your looking for a cheap, clean and 100% surfer friendly place to home base at here in Bali.
Best Regards from the No.1 surfing holiday destination that’s got it all, BALI !!!
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