Kandui Surf Resort, Mentawai islands September 22 surf report. Our swell was fading today and turning more south, which was not good news for the west facing reefs that had any kind of good conditions with the strong south winds we had blowing today. We gave Hideaways a check.. It was ok and only a handful of guys were out, but it was a little crumbly and we had been looking at that shallow reef for a few days now so we pushed on. We ended up a Beng Beng. It had some overhead sets once in a while and it was handling the winds alright. There was one boat there, but they had been surfing a while so they bailed and we had it to ourselves. Surfed for a few hours then called it a day. Looking at a possible dive and fish day tomorrow with the swell dropping even more and the winds forecast to blow again.
Thanks to Amen May for the photos !!
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