Well this morning was interesting. I did as I said yesterday, and took the board up to Canggu. When I got there it was 3-4 ft and looking half ok. I felt the swell had actually come up slightly. The dilema was that I knew that it was going to get better and I had left the camera at home base. So braving the road for another 45 minutes back the way I had just come I went to get the camera and put my surf on hold. Well for now atleast. What was 2hrs later I got back to Canggu and it was looking really good. The local boys were tearing it up and showing everyone what good surfing was. The wind came up about an hour after I got back and it turned into a punt fest. The likes of legend Rizal and the grommets Garut, Mustufa, and others made it worth the extra time on the bike. Holding up the Aussie flag was Jake "the snake" patterson who made a brief showing tearing 4-5 waves apart before heading back the beach. All in all another fantastic day in Bali with great surfing and great food.
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