Well this morning on my check of the waves it was looking knee to waist high but the weather had cleared slightly at the time so off to Canggu I went. The road was still wet from the nights rain and there was still some cloud cover so it was slowly slowly for me on my motorbike rental. I got up there about 7am and met up with a few of my local boys from back in Australia. They had already been out and had had it to themselves since first light. There was no more swell getting in up here and the waves coming through were still only in the knee to waist high range. I did see two waves come through that were head high but they were few and far between. Conditions were clean and glassy though so if it was a normal day at home we would have been pretty happy with it I guess. Especially when the boys said that they had not had any waves at all for the last couple of months. I didn’t hang around to long as there was not alot happening and the surf was not co-operating with a dropping tide. There was a few drops of rain still in the air so I pulled the plug and headed home. We’ll see what happens in the next few days but in the mean time there is some small, clean fun waves to had if you are up for getting wet.
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