This morning I have woken up to another day of heavy rain falling. Apart from the
odd 5min break I think its the 4th straight day of rain. Yesterday being Christmas I
deceided about lunch time that enough was enough and broke out of my room to see
what the town was looking like. So putting on the rain coat and jumping on the bike
I went for a ride around town. Many of the roads were completly covered in water and
everyone was taking it very steady as the rain was still coming down. This morning
as I was having breakfast I was talking to friend of mine and she was saying that up
her way the water was above knee hieght over the road last night, and still the same
this morning on the way to work. She also mentioned there was many motor bikes
stopped due to getting water in them. OK well on the waves front I was checking the
maps and I am hoping that we will start to see some improvment by the weekend in
both waves and weather. The waves have already come up a touch on the last couple of
days. If you really wonted to get a wave now though you might find some waist to
head high waves at Uluwatu or Serangan might be a better bet with the wind direction
coming out of the south. I mean if your going to get wet anyway might as well take
your time on the roads going slow and find some fun little waves, they are still out
there even with the rain. Hope fully though things turn around for us and I can get
everyone some fresh photos soon. I know your all probably hanging out for them as
much as I am hanging to take some new ones. Hang in there guys things can not always
be perfect in paradise everyday, and we are in the wet season after all. On the
dollor changing seen you can find that the Australian dollar will buy you about
Rp8050 so its a really affordable place to be if you are looking to get away. Make
sure that you book cause the waves are still here and if your surfing well like I
said your going to get wet anyway.
Scott Thompson
Hey Scotty hang in there bro, somethings gotta give soon hey….. 4 more days to go !!!
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