Well Ladies and Gentleman welcome to my last readers report from Bali for about 3 months as I have to go back to Australia tomorrow to take care of some business. I woke up this morning though and deceided to check the waves, so at around 7am I was on the beach but there was not alot showing. Conditions were clean and there was only a light wind coming out of the north, so I made the decision to head up to Canggu and see if there was any ridable waves up that way. I had not been up that way for a over a month so I was keen to say hello to my friends up there. I grabbed the camera and as you can see in the photos conditions were small but clean. 2ft, waist high, or almost reaching double over head if you were one of the many grommies out having some fun. There was only a small crowd, maybe a dozen on the left, the same on the sand bar and a couple of others sitting on the right further up the beach. Ok the weather is absolutly beautiful today as was yesterday so things are certainly looking up over here. I’m sad to be going home but also excitied. I should be back in Bali soon enough and will be bringing you more photos with hopefully some new and improved equipment all going to plan. I might even send through some east coast action if I get the chance so stay tuned and enjoy whatever waves your getting. If you can, come and do some wave catching in Bali, relax and enjoy the hospitality of this beautiful island and its people. Till next time!!
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