**** AFTERNOON SURF UP-DATE **** Howdy friends and welcome back for the baliwaves.com daily surf and weather report. Before we get into the surf report stuff I just wanna run what I metioned yesterday about others trying to cash in from baliwaves.com again. I had a bit of a browse on the net and was pretty shocked to see how many websites there are on Bali that are trying to cash in on from baliwaves.com. From surf shops, to boat charters and even un surf related stuff all using baliwaves as their search engine “key wordsâ€. But let me tell ya’s, none of these ring ins have ever given the Original Baliwaves.com any form of support and are in no way connected to us.
Ok my morning surf recon of the Outer Reefs was showing quite a drop in wave height between Kuta Reef and Aiirport Left . Wave was only showing in the 1-2ft+ range with the bigger waves hitting Middle Reef . Wave height down along the Kuta to legian stretch of beach breaks has also taken a hit size wise with only waist to shoulder high waves. The first of our tides today in Bali was a 2.4mtr High around 9.30am and followed by a 0.3mtr Low around 3.30pm . Wind direction has been clean of-shore coming outta the ESE-SE @ 5-10knot .
But our man Scotto was down on location at Uluwatu and by the look of these latest photos he has provided us it’s still looking pretty meaty down there. “Well I have been up for hours now and thats two nights in a row on very little sleep. 3am to be precise but it was a good excuse to get down to Uluwatu for the dawn session and I was on site at 6:20am. It was still a little early as the sun wasn’t even awake at that hour, but there was already a steady crew of surfers starting to fill the line up. I went down and set up on a little rock outcrop and started shooting the main peak where there was a round 30 guys having a dig at the 3-5ft waves that were still on Offer. Up at Temples and there was also a strong group of about 20 or so early risers. Conditions were silky smooth as the tide was still pushing in at that hour. I was able to stay in my spot for about a couple of hours until a rain cloud came over and dumped a big amount of rain on me. Getting back off the rock I was on was no easy task either as it was raining and the cave was filling up with water fast by the time a got into it, so wading into knee to waist high water was my only option or stay out in the rain and get drenched. Either option was not appealing to me. Anyway we survived and made it back into the warung and had a good old jaffle for breakfast. I hung around for another 45minutes to an hour and then decieded that the tide was to high for the conditions and low tide was still a good 5 hours away so I packed up the gear jumped on the trusty little motorbike and headed home to show you good people the goods. Ok well I hope that your enjoying yourselfs where ever you are. Me I going to try and get some zeds and recover from another little Bali sojourn. Till next time Scotto”
Special award dept : Two days ago at Uluwatu a wave was ridden from way outside from the Bombie all the way through to the end of the Racetrack. Now that is a long wave let me tell you. The rider of that wave was one Mich ele Trahan and I’m not sure but that could be the longest wave ridden at Uluwatu (excluding waves on the Outside Corner)
Weather wise here in Tuban we were of to another perfect day with blue sky and sunshine. But just now at 2.00pm the sky is starting to turn grey with a build up of cloud cover and we may even see a few drops of rain before days end. Even though tempe rature wis e she would still be around 29-30 degree’d Celsius. Water tempe rature a perfect 22-23 degress’s Celsius.
Mentawai Islands , and the good guys up at the Kan dui Surf Resort have kept the surf reports flowing and we have more fresh news from Kan dui.
Readers Report , Mick from balishoot.com was over at the Rusty surfing contest that’s being run at Sanur Reef and has sent us in some sick photos to check out. You can also find the full run down in our Story section or by hitting the ISC banner.
Swell Forecast : Well this current swell was pretty much right on track give or take 12hrs. Tomorrow should see a very slight drop in size but still plenty of solid waves happening around Bali . Sunday see’s a furth er drop in wave height before our next swell system starts to fill in around Monday or Tuesday and then the fun will begin a again. Then even furth er out towards the end of next week yet another solid swell should be making an appearance. So it’s gunna be waves, waves and more waves for the lucky buggers here on the happy little holiday island of B a l i .
if your looking for a cheap, clean and 100% surfer friendly place to HOME BASE in Bali . Airconditioned rooms starting from AU$13.00 a night per single room and fan cooled rooms @ AU$8.00 per single room , here in Bali, and only a 10 minute walk down to the beach and Outer Reefs here in friendly Tuban.
For the surfer / fisherman out there, and isn’t there a little bit of fisherman in all of us ? Well you guys can take a look at the fishing report and photos from the last couple of trips out sport fishing here in Bali
Dreamland Developments and beyond ; I was sent an interesting article the other day and might just cheer up a lot of you honest people that have noticed developments along Bali ’s southern coastline getting outta control. If you want to check it out follow this link www.balidiscovery.com
Back Pain : Now this is something I want to tell ya’s about, anyone who has had to deal with it already knows just how disabling it is. I sure as hell do ! Well the good news is that if you’re here in Bali and you get struck down with it or neck, shoulders etc I’ve got the contact you need to see. Global Chiropractic , Mr Pa trick Monsarrat is a professional Chiropractor who has been working here in Bali for years. Patrick has his office in the Istana Kuta Galeria in Kuta. For more info on how to find him check out his website at www.globalchiro.net
The latest Progress Report from our School project (Datah Primary) is loaded up and ready for you guys to see whats been happening and where we are at
Check out the wotashot.com banner over in our banner advertising section. These guys offer a unique photo service enabling photographers to sell their photos on-line without any charge to the photographer .
Best Seafood in Bali : Hi seafood lovers and the owner of the Dewi Sri Live Seafood Restaurant has told me to let you know that if you drop into the Dew Sri on Jalan Kartika Pl aza in Tuban any night he’ll let you try his deep fried crumbed prawns for free . No bullshit, he know’s his seasfood is the best that Bali has to offer ! Make sure you mention baliwaves.com to get a free taste of these babies
Don’t forget if any of you lot want to grab some photos or video footage surfing here in Bali and we can easily arrange it for ya. I also have a very limited number of baliwaves t-shirts here in Bali so drop me a line if you want to pick one up here in Bali .
Money saver tip #752 : Anyone wanting to get out on a 3 island 7 day boat charter to Lembongan, Lombok and Sumbawa drop me a line cause I was talking to an operator last night and he’s offering the all inclusive trips for just AU$600.00 !!! Start organizing your crew now for the recommencement of these charters in March 08. Better still charter the boat privately with up to 10 of your friends for AU$6,000. all inclusive.
If it’s somewhere a little more private you’r looking for take a look at the private bungalow for rent we have in our Business Directory and drop the owner Michael Owen an email. Michael is one of the old school surfers who rubs shoulders with the likes of Gerry Lopez and Peter McCabe just to name a couple of Indo Legends.
Finally, I just wanna refresh ya’s about what baliwaves.com is all about . We’re not trying to flog ya’s surf trips or sell ya’s anything for that matter, we’re just trying to show ya’s how good it is here in Bali / Indonesia for a surfing holiday. We want you guys to come over and have a ball and then go back home and tell your friends how good it is.
Best Regards from the No.1 surfing holiday destination that’s got it all, BALI , see ya’s here in 2008
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