Mustofa Jeksen (Kuta, Bali) surfed incredibly well at the Quiksilver Pro Trials and made the quarter finals where he was unlucky to be eliminated by Gold Coast surfer Dale Richards and Hawaiian Kiron Jabour, who both ended up in the final. Only one wildcard was up for grabs for the ASP Quiksilver Pro presented by LG. Mustofa would have scored his best ride, which would have seen him move through to the semi finals, but unfortunately the ride was a split second after the hooter and his hands didn’t leave the rails of his surfboard, therefore it didn’t score. Congratulation’s Mus ! It was a great effort for the first Indonesian to be invited to the Quiksilver Pro Trials.
Photo: Steve Robertson/Surfing Australia.
hay nice wave i surf a little iam doing you for a skool project!!
so umm ?
seeya xo.