27th April 09
Howdy folks and thanks for waiting around for the latest news on todays surfing and weather conditions from here on the No.1 holiday island of Bali.
Well we didn’t have a bad run over the last week but this mornings surf recon of the Outer Reefs was saying take a break today. Wave height between Kuta Reef and Airport Lefts was pretty well non exstent as the tide was running in for a solid 2.6mtr High (@ 11.00am). But I guess there might have been the odd 1-1ft+ wave first thing in the morning. Nothing at all showing on Kuta and Middle Reefs and even though there would have been around 40+ surfers in the water at Airport left I didn’t see any waves break in the 20 minutes or so that I was on the beach.
Surfing conditions were faultless if there was any waves to surf, clean off-shore wind coming out of the ESE @ 7-11knot.
Our daily sms surf report from the G-Land Surf Camp was saying that wave height over at G-land was down to about as small as it gets at waist to head high and no surfers in the water at 7.00am.
Weather wise here in Bali we are getting close to the dry season, blue sky and sunshine for the beach lovers heading for a top temperature of around 31 degree’s Celsius.
Changing dollars to Rupiah on the streets of Kuta you’ll find that; — 1US$=Rp10,800 — 1AU$=Rp7,800 — 1EU$=Rp14,150 —
Swell Forecast; The forecasters are calling for more small waves in the 1-2ft+ range again Tuesday and into Wednesday before a new swell starts to show later in the day come Thursday. This one should slowly build through Friday peaking in the double head high class on Saturday. Hopefully holding through Sunday before backing off on Monday next.
Ok crew that’s us for today and as ya’s can see I’ve loaded up a few wipeouts photos I took down at Uluwatu on Saturday. And I do want to refresh the less experienced surfers planning on tackling Uluwatu that people do get hurt out there. “The sea has no respect for technology, only technique” I’ve also included some water shots that Scotto took out at Middle Reef on the same day.
I’d also just like to mention that the Dewi Sri “live seafood” restaurant here in Tuban is once again under the control of the original owner and back to serving up the most freshest seafood in Bali. If you want to give it a try tell em baliwaves.com sent ya down to sample a free plate of their live prawns.
Have a good one and now ya’s can get back to work…LOL
Hi, Im heading to bali later this week…..thanks for the Rupiah exchange update!!! Keep us posted for the rest of the week.
dude’s i seen joel parko on channel 9 sport sunday the other day and he’s just got back from taking cloudbreak apart and keen as a mustard samwich 4 chop’s on his back hand it’s going 2 be hard.i think slater might be the main player there but his still got the title in his bag.we had a good weekend surf in sydney 2 i got headlands offshore and some soild 2 to 3 ft waves barreling still can’t compete with indo but got the full rush happening JAMES
40 plus guys out and no waves sighted in 40 mins, we set up a special kook island for euro learner hotdogs maybe we could put them in a camp their ya