26th August 09
Good morning to everyone tuning into the baliwaves.com for the latest news on todays surfing and weather conditions from here on your first choice surfing holiday destination of Bali. Todays photos are courtesy of Hendra Surf Photography down at Uluwatu.
My 8.00am surf check on the Outer Reefs was showing a definite increase in size between Kuta Reef and Airport Left. So far it’s coming through in the chest to over head sector and hopefully will continue to build some more through the rising tide. The tide was too low for Kuta Reef and Airport Left. Middle Reef was looking fun with waves breaking in the head to over head class. There were already around a dozen or so surfers out there and will probably be more coming. As the tide fills in Kuta Reef should be producing some quality left handers in the chest to head high plus range and Airports will also have something. Further down the coast there will be plenty of offer as well, Impossible’s, Bingin and the Racetrack at Uluwatu would all be working through the low tide. Balangan, Dreamland and the Main Peak / Temple sections of Ulu on the other side of the tide.
Sms surf report from the G-Lnd Surf Camp was calling wave height in the double head high to double head high plus range coming straight out of the southern quadrant. Speed Reef could be on the cards and the wind is clean off-shore. No surfers in the water at the time of the report.
Sms surf report from Lakey Peak on the island of Sumbawa was saying wave height started to increase yesterday afternoon and this morning see’s head to head high plus waves hitting the Peak. Clean conditions at the time of the report.
Surfing conditions here in Bali are as good as it gets with the wind coming out of the ESE @ 4-8knot blowing straight off-shore between Kuta and Uluwatu. We can expect the wind to get up to Tradewind strength by midday.
Tidal info for today is calling for a 0.3mtr Low @ 8.00am and then filling back in for a 2.0mtr High around 1.00pm.
Weather wise here in Tuban there’s nothing but blue sky and sunshine, perfect beach weather and heading for a maximum temperature of around 30 degree’s Celsius. The water temp is still cooler than normal @ 19 degree’s Celsius.
For the surfer / fishermen who frequent these pages I’ll have another fishing report along with some new photos ready for ya’s shortly.
Photo up-date, I’ve also got another round of pictures for the Bodyboarders and they know where they can find them. The guys from the Kandui Surf Resort have also sent us through another report and photos, so give me an hour or two and they’ll be visible.
If it’s clean safe and friendly accommodation here in Tuban only 300mtrs back from the Outer Reefs, including A/C, hot water, refridgerator & TV for US$15.00 per night (single) or US$18.00 for a couple and US$25.00 twin share. Then drop me an email but usually we do need a few weeks notice.
G-Land we are offering you a 5% discount on all standard packages and 10% on air conditioned packages at the G-Land Surf Camp.
I’d also like to give Pat and Brian from www.eventpowerandlight.com.au a huge thank you for there exceptional help for me to be able to purchase a new lap top so these reports can keep flowing. This couple of everyday Aussies not only helped me while they were in Bali but also helped a young Balinese surfer start his own life by helping him to buy his own double outrigger boat and motor becoming his own master in life. Then they backed that straight up by sponsoring another young Balinese student to help his struggling mother who was battling to keep up with his school fee’s. So if your in Australia and you need portable power and light for an event contact Pat and Brian.
Changing dollars to Rupiah on the streets of Kuta you’ll find that — 1AU$=Rp8,315 — 1US$=Rp9.850 —
We are also now sending out brief random surf reports and ravings through Twitter mobile phone service so sign up today !
Ok thanks for turning up today and make sure you stay tuned to the one and only original Bali surf report website.
Best Regards from Bali
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