25th Dec 09
Hello folks and thanks for dropping into the baliwaves.com this Christmas Day 2009. Well I wasn’t going to do anything today but seeing as though we have good clean waves here along Bali’s Premier Coast I thought I’d give ya’s a little look at Uluwatu today.
This mornings 7.00am surf check on the Outer Reefs here in Tuban was looking good. Wave height between Kuta Reef and Airport left was still only in the 2-3ft+ range but with more clean off-shore wind fanning it. There was only one surfer in the water at Kuta Reef catching waves in the waist to chest high class. I didn’t see any surfers out on Middle Reef where wave height was in the head high range with the occassional over head set wave. Airport Left had another empty line up but smaller waves in the knee to waist high range.
I survived the bike ride down to Uluwatu arriving around 9.00am to some clean waves peeling down through the Racetrack section (low tide) with around 20 surfers in the water. There were a few nice little barrels on offer before the tide started to push in. Then the focus turned to the Main Peak. By the time I’d had enough around 12.00 noon there would have been around 60 surfers spread between the Temple and the Racetrack. Stand out surfers today at Uluwatu were Made Lapur and his son Agus. I also passed a lot of surfers in transit on my way home. Going past Padang Padang and the top end of Impossible’s there was only a knee to waist high little peak on Impossible’s with what looked like a surf school in practice, or just 15 or so friends learning to ride longboards together..
Surfing conditions as mentioned above were just like in the middle of our Dry Season, with clean off-shore wind. Starting off with a light ENE’r through the early morning before swinging more to the ESE by mid morning then cranking up to a full blown ESE-SE Tradewind of 12-15knot by midday.
Tidal info for today had us down for a 0.6mtr Low @ 10.00am and then she’ll be filling back in for a 2.0mtr High around 4.00pm.
Weather wise we’ve had a mainly sunny day with the odd sly cloud moving across from time to time. Currently at 2.45pm the temperature would still be cruising around the 31 degree Celsius mark.
If it’s clean safe and friendly accommodation here at Home Base in Tuban only 300mtrs back from the Outer Reefs, including A/C, hot water, refridgerator & TV for US$15.00 (Rp150,000) per night (single) or US$18.00 (Rp180,000) for a couple and US$25.00 (Rp250,000) twin share. Then contact slim.
We are also now sending out brief random surf reports and ravings through Twitter mobile phone service so sign up today !
As you all know we have been trialing a new photo viewing program to make it easier for you to flick through the photos on site. Ok, as you also should know is that we highly value our advertisers / sponsors, as they help pay our running costs / bills etc etc. So at the end of the trial period (1 month) if our advertisers / sponsors are still getting the same amount of views and visits then we will keep this system in place. If not then it’ll be back to the old system !!! So please make the time to visit the good folk who help keep the baliwaves on your monitor.
Stuck for accommodation ? Drop Michael Owens a line if your after a fully self contained and very comfortable apartment in Kuta, I can’t believe it’s still available through the Chrissy and New Year period, so get on it fast.
So there you have it Christmas in Bali, chest to over head surf with clean off-shore wind. Now it’s time to drop some kingy’s into the hot water and cool down some bintang’s for the afternoon session here at Home Base.
Best Regards from Bali & MERRY CHRISTMAS
Slim & Family
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