1st November 2010
Hello surfers and welcome back to the baliwaves.com for today’s run down on surfing and weather conditions here on everybody’s favorite surfing holiday destination of Bali.
This mornings surf check on the Outer Reefs of Tuban was showing just a little more size than yesterday with 1-3 footers (knee to head high) breaking between Kuta Reef and Airport Left. So with an early morning high tide and the wind coming lightly out of the NE we headed for Canggu. Arriving at 7.30AM to find clean waves on all of the 3 main breaks in the 2-4ft (waist to over head) range.
The right hander only had 15 surfers on it with some nice waves, not real long rides today but still the odd little barrel. The left hand sand bar section was delivering some solid wedging barrels. Only half a dozen surfers on it but another half a dozen very experienced French body boarders. And I have to admit they were getting some sick tubes. Further down on the left hand reef out the front of the cafe’s it was also on. Maybe 20 surfers on this wave, sucking hard off the reef and a lot of the crew getting pitched hard over the falls.
Surfing conditions stayed clean and glassy through until around 10.30AM when the wind shifted around to the ESE – SE. But still remaining clean enough to surf.
Tidal info for today had a 0.7mtr Low @ 11.00AM and then running in for a 1.7mtr High around 6.00PM.
Weather wise another mainly cloudy day with some sunny patches. Temperature wise it wasn’t too bad on the black sand beach of Canggu, around 27 – 28 degree’s Celsius.
Changing dollars to Rupiah on the streets of Legian you’ll find that; — 1US$=Rp8,900 — 1AU$=Rp8,780 —
We’ve all heard by now about the recent Tsunami that hit some of the Mentawai islands including the Macaronis Surf Resort (check out their website for more news from Maca’s). Most of the people affected were doing it tough enough with out the added disaster of being engulfed by a Tsunami in the middle of the night. A big thanks to the surf charter boats who immediately started taking relief supplies into the affected areas. But in order to help, it all takes money, and that’s where the good people at Surf Aid International come in.
To find out how you guys can help check out their website www.surfaidinternational.org
Surf Aid International has been officially appointed relief coordinators by the Indonesian Government.
Surf Report Archives; You know if you look above the photos on this report you will see Bali listed with the other surf report locations. If you click on Bali then when the page opens you can see every report (and photos) that has been filed from years back. A good way to get an idea of what you might get through all of Bali’s surfing calendar.
If any of you out there are already here in Bali maybe now is a good time to try some Balinese style sport fishing. There’s been some solid schools of GT’s and Tuna busting up the surface and Spanish Mackerel jumping. If your up to it just contact me and I’ll hook you up with the best fishermen in Bali.
NEW SERVICE For baliwaves surfer(s) (1 -3 only) who want nothing but a safe and secure surfing holiday in Bali. We can now offer the complete surfing package for Bali. This includes airport transfers, accommodation, breakfast. daily surf information and transport to the best waves available (local knowledge) with your own personal surfing photographer. What more do you need for Rupiah 4,500,000. (+- US$450.00 for 1 surfer, Rupiah 4,000,000. (per surfer) for 2 surfers & Rupiah 3,750,000. (per surfer) for 3 surfers per week. Just contact us to get the REAL Bali experience !
Accommodation includes; AIR CONDITIONED room with double bed. Hot and cold water in bathroom. International cable TV, DVD player and Playstation 2. For breakfast, your choice of egg’s, sausage, tomato on toast or banana pancakes + tea or coffee, plus mineral drinking water. Daily surf info and transport to the best waves on Bali (to suit) in new air conditioned car. Airport transfers to and from airport. Not to mention all the surfing photos your going to get buffed out with !!!
We are also now sending out brief random surf reports and ravings through Twitter mobile phone service so sign up today !
Best Regards from Bali
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