4th January 2011
Hello again friends and thanks for checking in with the baliwaves.com for today’s news on surfing and weather conditions from here on the friendliest of all holiday destinations, Bali.
Early this morning the day was looking like shaping up ok with our 6.45AM surf check on the Outer Reefs showing wave height to have dropped off back into the waist to chest high class between Kuta Reef and Airport Left. Along with more clean and almost glassy surfing conditions for the early risers. What wind there was was coming out of the NNW @ 0 – 2knot. But even as we were making our plan of attack to head over to the East Coast to shoot some more photos the wind swung more to the W – SW and increased up to 10 – 14knot. Currently now @ 11.00AM it’s tending more to the SW. I’d say even over on the East side the wind would be blowing cross / on shore at most locations. The good news is that the kaotic domestic holiday traffic we have had over the last 7 – 10 days should start to recede with the holiday period ending tomorrow.
Tidal info for today (our complete 2011 tide charts are on line) is saying we had a 1.7mtr High around the 10.30AM mark and then will be running out for a 0.8mtr Low @ 4.00PM. Today the 4th of January also see’s a New Moon rising tonight so we will start to see some better tidal ranges over the next week.
Weather wise this morning I could see the blue sky and hear the birds singing. But by 9.00AM the wind had picked up and the clouds started to roll in. Temperature wise the forecast is calling for a maximum of 32 degree’s Celsius but I think we’ll be lucky to feel 28 degree’s Celsius. There’s also a big chance of some afternoon thunderstorms and rain.
Ok so that’s about all we have for you today, if there are any significant changes in the waves or the weather I’ll keep you up to date via the twitter section of baliwaves.com. Other than that we’ll be trying again tomorrow !
Good news for any of you that want to get over to the legendary location of G-Land this year as baliwaves.com will still be dishing out a solid 15% discount off their advertised prices for the G-Land Surf Camp. All camps at G-Land will be re opening in March 2011 so if you want some un crowded G-Land get in early. Make sure you contact us first if you want that 15% rebate back in your pocket.
We’ve also been playing around with our “Surf Spots” page where we are currently up-dating with more locations, and an extra bonus of Bali street maps. So go and get yourself lost in there !
I’d also like to mention to anyone that’s interested in doing some advertising on Bali’s biggest surfing website (us) that for a special 3 month trial period we’ll give you between 30,000 to 40,000 banner views per month for as little as US$100.00 per month. Try us out and you’ll see for yourself how we can boost your business.
NEW SERVICE For baliwaves surfer(s) (1 -3 only) who want nothing but a safe and secure surfing holiday in Bali. We can now offer the complete surfing package for Bali. This includes airport transfers, accommodation, breakfast. daily surf information and transport to the best waves available (local knowledge) with your own personal surfing photographer. What more do you need for Rupiah 4,500,000. (+- US$450.00 for 1 surfer, Rupiah 4,000,000. (per surfer) for 2 surfers & Rupiah 3,750,000. (per surfer) for 3 surfers per week. Just contact us to get the REAL Bali experience !
Accommodation includes; AIR CONDITIONED room with double bed. Hot and cold water in bathroom. International cable TV, DVD player and Playstation 2. For breakfast, your choice of egg’s, sausage, tomato on toast or banana pancakes / fruit salad + tea or coffee, plus mineral drinking water. Daily surf info and transport to the best waves on Bali (to suit) in new air conditioned car. Airport transfers to and from airport. Not to mention all the surfing photos your going to get buffed out with !!!
Best Regards in Surfing
G’day Slim,
I notice that you have your feelers out to see whether it is worth setting up a surf webcam. Long overdue mate! bring it!
….and all the best for a sensational new year.
the best part about goin surfin’ is gettin there. how ya goin over there now Slim 1, I hope to get back there again this year , happy at Ketut DERTA Losmen, neighbours eh!.all the best anyway bli for another prosperous and healthy year ahead mate. Tom Piper will be there Feb 24 for 1 month, I’ll be back near TIMOR on the sea, workin out of Darwin