Waste is a serious problem for Bali, which mainly relies on the tourism sector. Under the headline “Holidays in Hell: Bali’s Ongoing Woes” (1 April 2011), TIME magazine depicted Bali as a resort island overwhelmed by environmental problems, including uncollected rubbish, overflowing sewage plants, and rivers that flush trash into the sea at its most famous beaches.
The government of Bali is well aware of the issues highlighted by the TIME article, and has published the Bali Green Province Roadmap (February 2011) to outline some of the actions that must be taken and to call for the participation of all sectors of society to make Bali “Clean and Green”.
In response to this call, a group of passionately committed people have joined forces to launch a movement to support this essential goal. They have formed the Bali Clean and Green Multi- Stakeholder Group, consisting of key NGO, community, and industry actors, and supported by the Head of the Bali Environment Agency (BLH), A.A.G.A Sastrawan.
The Bali Clean and Green Multi-Stakeholder Networking for Solutions Forum will be held on Friday, 1 July 2011, 08:00 – 16:00 at Harris Hotel Kuta. The Forum is the first in a series of events to bring all stakeholders together to create practical solutions to environmental challenges that affect us all, starting with waste management.
The forum will be officially opened by Indonesia’s Minister of the Environment, Prof. DR. Ir. Gusti Muh. Hatta, and the Governor of Bali, I Made Mangku Pastika. See attached agenda for more details.
You are cordially invited to attend the Press Conference following the forum to learn about the actionable next steps towards a Clean and Green Bali Province resulting from the meeting.
Date/TIme: Friday, 1 July 2011 / 16.00 – 18.00 WITA
Venue: Friendly Room 1 – 2, Harris Resort Kuta Beach Hotel
RSVP: Phone: Maya 0813 37668066Email: [email protected]
Drh. I Ketut Eli Supartika says
Bagaimana agar Bali Clean and Green terwujud?
Setiap Banjar di Bali wajib memelopori menjaga kebersihan lingkungan banjarnya secara swadaya.
1. Setiap rumah tangga di Bali punya dan memelihara taman yang indah
2. Setiap rumah tangga di Bali sudah memisahkan sampah plastik, gelas, sampah organik.
3. Sampah plastik dikumpulkan dan dijual ke tempat pengelolaan sampah plastik, sampah organik dijadikan pupuk organik.
4. Setiap banjar di Bali sudah memelopori penggunaan biopori.
Sampah bukan masalah tetapi bila dikelola dengan baik maka sampah juga sebagai sumber rejeki.
Helena says
Please translate into English!! Thanks so much > seksemu!
masih hidup says
How to keep Bali Clean and Green materialize?
Every Banjar in Bali must keep the environment clean banjarnya pioneered independently.
A. Every household in Bali have and maintain a beautiful garden
2. Every household in Bali was sort plastic, glass, organic waste.
3. Plastic waste is collected and sold to the management of plastic waste, organic waste used as organic fertilizer.
4. Each row in Bali has pioneered the use of biopori.
Garbage is not a problem but if managed well, then waste as a resource windfall.
masih hidup says
slim says
well said MH, I have a good backyard and gardens. But most places only have concrete or paving.
we recycle our plastic bottle’s and glass
I don’t know what a biopori is ?.
Mator Suksema = Thank You
masih hidup says
yep biopori has got me beat,something biology technique?? lucky the bottles and cans are worth money!! i found my glass a bit harder unless they are beer bottles,but i dont drink alcohol so general glass jars,bottles ect are a bit harder,any tips on that one?? trims
slim says
I just use any glass jars for keeping my nails, screws etc in.
All our empty bottles of hard liquer we take up to a certain mountain side village where they get refilled with a clear pure gut rot 🙂
Cheers for the positive comments MH, good one bro !