22nd March 2012
Hello everyone and thanks again for taking the time out to drop by the baliwaves (’99) for today’s look at surfing and weather conditions from here on the No.1 tropical surfing holiday destination of Bali.
This morning started off a little dryer and a little less windyer than the last week so with high spirits we set off for another run back over to the East Coast. In search of good waves and lighter crowd. As it shows in today’s gallery that’s what we found, fun sized waves in the waist to head high region and only 1 other surfer in the water when we showed up. Surfing conditions were clean and glassy through until 11.00AM when the wind started swinging more to the WSW-SW and on shore.
I’ve got keep this short and tidy today as we’ve got lots to get ready for our day in doors tomorrow the 23rd (Nyepi Day). But rest assured we’ll be chomping at the bit to get back out amongst it as soon as the curfew lifts. So stay tuned right here to Bali’s No.1 surf report site.
Weather wise; clearing sky’s and no rain on the radar.
Want to win and brand new surfboard, 4 day trip over to the famous G-Land Surf Camp or maybe a 5 day all included surfing holiday in Bali, read on.
Who wants to help out baliwaves.com and have the chance to win a brand new Diverse surfboard, 4 day all inclusive surf trip to G-land (courtesy of the G-Land Surf Camp) or some free accommodation with daily surf trips here in Bali, all at the same time. CLICK ON THIS LINK NOW and get on the program with us. 25 tickets left. With our latest supporter(s) being; Mick Giovini
For any of you that just want nothing more than a hassle free, get up and go surf perfect waves every morning (pending Huey), see and do what the hotel / resort sect don’t. Well we have some new surfing / accommodation packages that will have you at the right location at the right time everyday. All deals include your own photographer at no extra cost. Hit this info link to find out more. Limited space, so get in early or you’ll be doing it the hard way.
We also have 6 “Home Stay” type rooms available for any of our viewers looking for some clean and tidy accommodation here in Tuban. 6 rooms are air conditioned, including breakfast for Rp200,000 per night, or Rp250,000 for couples. Plus 1 room that’s fan cooled for Rp125,00 per night. Surfers need to apply.
Feel free to contact us via email about your next trip to Bali and we might just be able to help make it run a little smoother for you.
Best Regards from Bali
Disclaimer; Baliwaves.com accepts no responsibility for absenteeism, day dreaming, depression, lethargy, alcoholism, jealousy or loss of wages. Any reference or resemblance to real living people in these reports are purely co incidental.
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