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11th November 2012
Hello surfers and thanks for stopping by the baliwaves.com (the surfers surf report since 1999) for our Sunday session on today’s surfing and weather conditions from right here on the real deal tropical surfing holiday destination of BALI.
Alright so after my crew having so much fun out on Kuta reef yesterday and with wave height a touch bigger again today we couldn’t really go past having another crack at it. As it shows in today’s photo gallery wave height was coming through at a very consistent shoulder to well over head high on KR. Crowd wise another mellow crew out there of around 18-20. Bigger again down on Middle Reef but with the high tide on it not that good. Surfing conditions today here on the Outer Reefs (Tuban) were clean and glassy with the wind coming lightly out of the W-NW. Later turning West and increasing into the 8-10knot class.
The Ando’s (Bali veterans) also texted through a report that their favorite location of Canggu was also cranking out some pretty waves through the morning.
The next tide today here in Bali is going to be a 0.4mtr Low at 1.39PM according to my fogged out tide watch.
Weather wise it’s all blue sky and clear sailing in Bali so far but there are a few scattered banks of cloud starting to drift over. Temperature wise right now the mercury is sitting on a warm 30 degree’s Celsius and the wind West at 8-10knot.
Ok that’s me for today as I plan on kicking back this afternoon and then hitting the beach with the family later this afternoon, nice. Tune in again tomorrow for the start of another surfing week here on the happy little holiday island of Bali.
Least we forget !
You’ll also find baliwaves on Facebook, twitter (balisurfreport or baliwaves) & instagram (@baliwaves) so get on it !
For any of you that just want nothing more than a hassle free, get up and go surf perfect waves every morning (pending Huey), see and do what the hotel / resort sect don’t. Well we have some new surfing / accommodation packages that will have you at the right location at the right time everyday. All deals include your own photographer at no extra cost. Hit this info link to find out more. Limited space, so get in early or you’ll be doing it the hard way.
We also have a few “Home Stay” type rooms available for any of our viewers looking for some clean and tidy accommodation here in Tuban. all rooms are air conditioned, including breakfast for Rp225,000 per night, or Rp300,000 for couples. Surfers need to apply, party animals head for Kuta.
Located just a short walk down to the beach right in front of Kuta Reef, Middle Reef & Airport Left & Right.
Feel free to contact us via email about your next trip to Bali and we might just be able to help make it run a little smoother for you.
Best Regards from Bali
Disclaimer; Baliwaves.com accepts no responsibility for absenteeism, day dreaming, depression, divorce, lethargy, alcoholism, jealousy, black magic, Bali belly or loss of wages. Any reference or resemblance to real living people in these reports are purely co incident
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