Nias Fortnightly Surf Report 8-22 Nov 2017 Nias Fortnightly Surf Report 8-22 Nov 2017 By Mark Flint from the deck of KabuNohi Sorake Resort, Lagundri Bay
Very quiet at the Bay with consistent waves at the ‘Sorake Wave Machine’. Mellow crowd and some tropical downpours.
Wednesday 8 November: Rain has set in with more pours overnight and into the morning. Waves are small breaking at Kiddies corner with a few keen souls exercising before breakfast on this tropical rainy day. Rain throughout the remainder of the day, waves improve slightly with the tide and the day ending still in rain but some nice peelers from the outside point through the sections, Kiddies Corner into Rice Bowls in front of the KabuNohi Deck
Thursday 9 November: Rain abates with the morning sun shining again, slight offshore wind blowing out the bay. Waves are small to 2 feet breaking off the outside point with peelers running down the reef top to kiddie’s corner. Waves remain consistent on the inside section throughout the day the rain also holds back and sun is shining until late afternoon, upon which the rain squalls move back in for the evening
Friday 10 November: Heavy rain overnight abating in the morning, surf is small to 2 feet on the outside, but the best quality is the kiddie’s corner that peels down the inside reef edge. Late season with very little people around and our French guests enjoying the solitude of the Sorake wave machine as he describes it.During the day waves increase in size slightly with a more consistent form breaking on the outside point by afternoon with the rain backing off and the steady offshore. Some nice barrelling waves to 3 foot and the occasional 4-foot set.
Saturday 11 November: Another rainy night, fining up in the morning, the offshore wind fans steady 2-foot waves off the point. Little change this week with the rain storms overnight and the morning sees 3-4 feet with variable but non-consistent waves on the point. The more consistent section is inside breaking down the reef line of kiddie’s corner. Afternoon has a small pulse, but offshore squalls make the wave form bumpy.
Sunday 12 November: Overnight rains cloudy morning with offshore wind, waves show slight change on the outside point with 3-4-foot inconsistent set waves on the bumpy ocean. Rain storm throughout the day into the afternoon little change in the surf and weather scene
Monday 13 November: Rain has abated, waking to a bright sunny morning with offshore wind. Small 2-foot clean waves break off the point with a falling tide, waves are clean and the sun after so many days of cloud and rain is hot and bright. Kiddie’s corner on the low tide is looking good for the incoming tide this afternoon. Waves pulse up on the incoming tide with the occasional 4 foot set on the outside point and some nice launch ramps on the inside kiddie’s corner, weather remains clear with a brilliant afternoon sunset
Tuesday 14 November: A very still calm clear morning and waves to 3 feet on the outside point feathered by the slight offshore breeze. Very few people around with 4 people surfing the slow morning session, rising tide will see the inside section kiddies corner run longer across the reef top
Wednesday 15 November: Clear morning skies with 3-foot waves across the outside point, calm glassy conditions as the weather shows sign of a change. Mid-day session has the wind move in from the south adding a little bump to the remaining 3-foot waves, a rain shower proceeds with a wind swing back offshore, the pushing tide brings a small pulse with some 4 foo plus waves peeling perfectly across the point, lacking the power of the deeper swell. The arvo session high tide waves produce some great steep walls for turns and carves. More rain showers drop out of the bay keeping it offshore and to keeping it cool brisk afternoon.
Thursday 16 November: Overnight rain makes for a cool offshore morning the incoming tide pushing up on the reef with pleasant 3-foot waves on the outside point. Wind change to the south during the mid-day session, waves remain constant at 3 foot during the mid-day low tide session little effected by the slight S onshore. Tide pushing in with the wind backing off see waves across the point from rice bowls kiddies to outside Keyhole point, best action with the local groms firing through the kiddie’s corner into the rice bowl section in front of the KabuNohi Deck. Good action afternoon as the rain clouds build again
Friday 17 November: Overnight rain to cloud covered morning, wind is calm with waves to 3 feet off the outside point. Consistent surf this week with conditions waves and quality remaining the same. Mid-day wind change to S with slight increase in waves size, rain comes in again for the afternoon cooling the day right down
Saturday 18 November: Overnight rain with a calm morning, waves have dropped back to infrequent 2-foot off the point, with the best section being in the kiddie’s corner. Mid-day session sees little change in the waves with the occasional 3-foot set, as the afternoon moves in the inside kiddies start to light up with some runners along the reef top into the rice bowl section in front of our deck. Nias fly boys are in their element here floating & flicking airs on the skate park like ramps.
Sunday 19 November: Rain throughout the night has dampened all the waves back for the morning session only a couple of people surfing in the early morning waiting for the occasional 2-3 foot outside point wave. As the day progresses the rain moves in again & inside kiddies corner with the tide starts to peel across the inside with some nice clean but small waves. Late afternoon plenty of cloud cover and waves remain the same with the outside point the occasional 3 foot set and the best section is the midway kiddes corner with the local groms ruling the walled up section running across the top of the reef. Monday 20 November: Sun comes out this morning and it’s looking like a much better outcome for the morning with waves off the point clean and glassy but infrequent. A slight increase in wave size this morning giving the few morning surfers some good rides between the lulls. Afternoon rain storm with waves glassy and clean. The high tide push has waves breaking from the outside point through to kiddie’s corner.
Tuesday 21 November: Overnight light showers with a clear morning. Some bigger sets to 3 feet but very infrequent on the outside point, mid-morning rain sets back in. Very few surfers out & most waiting for the unevenness in the swell to clean up with the now nice offshore blowing. New Guest Alistair arrives and takes little time to get out for a wave on the rising tide scoring a few from the outside point linking in to the inside section and surfing through the kiddie’s corner section (200-meter ride) not bad for first day. Rain in arvo sets in & local kids ripping the inside kiddies corner for a pleasant but wet afternoon
Wednesday 22 November: Raining overnight and into the morning waves remain the same with small 3-foot waves infrequently breaking off the point. Kiddies corner has a few small runners and is the best call for any morning exercise. Midday the rain has backed off and the sun is making through the ever-present tropical rain clouds waves moving out on to the point with more consistent 3-foot waves peeling across the point. Afternoon wind swing into the south but little effect other than a slight bump out the point. Inside kiddies corner is a low but still some nice lines running across the shallow reef top this is keeping the local kids in form with the floaters and spins section right in front of the KabuNohi Deck.
All up a very pleasant couple of weeks despite the nightly downpours. Kiddies Corner provides so much fun for the very few travelling surfers in the off peak season.
Don’t forget our OFF-PEAK SALE is on now and you can enjoy some user friendly, family friendly waves with very good vibes.Our EARLYBIRD for 2018 sale is on now too with great savings if you book now for travel from Mar-Oct 2018.
Mark Flint signing off from the deck of KabuNohi Sorake Resort for another fortnight.
Are the waves good in Nias Late feb early March. What’s the accomodation prices ??