I had a question on my AskClive App recently
It revolved around recovery time for Knee replacement.
Let’s expand the answer to include Hip Replacement as well. I have dealt with quite a lot of rehab for both over the years.
My opinion is that Recovery is based primarily on prepping before the Op. The fitter you can get the patient prior to surgery the better. Especially around the damaged/worn out area. This will, in the majority of cases speed up the return to normaility afterwards.
The difficulty of course is dealing with the pain and damage, whilst trying to train the limb/area.
One of my clients has had two hip replacements. The first we trained right up to the Op, he squatted (modified) with perfect technique (within his capable range). He also did general weight training, particularly based around core strength, lower body stability and postural integrity. He was back to pretty much 100% in 3 months.
The second, he injured his knee 3 months out (not in training). His recovery time was about 8 months as we could not squat effectively of do too much lower body work in the 3 months prior.
I also kept him away from surgery for about 3 years on the first another year or so on the second, but then it was ‘time’.
There comes a time when it can no longer be put off. I spoke to one of the higher figures in the WSL last year at Bells, regarding this. He was reluctant to have the surgery. We discussed the scenario and I said “get it done”! That might sound strange from a Trainer, but there’s only so much can be done to alleviate the wear and tear chronology. I spoke to him this year and he said… best thing he had done and wished he’d done it sooner. I also spoke to Tom Carrol regarding his shoulder issues, when we were in France last year, I helped him with some specific stretches, however, also suggesting to him he should get the surgery.. by all accounts it has gone well.
Of course the Physio after the Op is extremely important, as is the ongoing maintenance training.
Just my six penneth! Clive.
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Hip image courtesy of eorthopod.com
Knee image courtesy of geek.com
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