SURF FIT NEWS – No.7 by Clive Rodell (ask Clive – app)
kettlebells (plural noun)
1. a large cast-iron ball-shaped weight with a single handle.
Another new training method that’s not new at all (except on Social Media lol).
As usual much mumbo Jumbo has been created about inventing the new ‘wheel’.
A sensational way of training and a sensational way of destroying your body like most training, if it is conducted by those who only ‘half know’ what they’re doing. Every day I walk into a gym, to train, train a client or just go down the beach, I see so many inexperienced trainers giving ill-informed advice and reinforcing errors in movement patterns. Add to that a swinging weight… Please make sure you go to a Trainer with a proven track record (at least 5 years of successful outcomes). I make no apologies for constantly repeating this.
Please read back to earlier articles regarding Postural stability before embarking on any Kettlebell training.
The history of the kettlebell is unknown to make an accurate assessment of where and when it originated, however, it appears that the Russian Kettlebell originated perhaps over 300 years ago.
The first Russian dictionary reference appeared in 1704. But the use of similar concepts dates to at least the early Greek times.
They were originally used as handled counterweights (bearing the Imperial Seal) to weigh out dry goods on market scales.
The kettlebell is a type of dumbbell or hand weight that looks like a flat bottomed Ball Bearing or Cannonball with a handle.
There’s no doubt that, for convenience sake, Industrial Ball Bearings or (before that) Cannonballs gained the addition of a handle to produce a gradated, (various sizes), line of resistance training tools. These made the tool readily available and practical to produce.
The resemblance to a Kettle with no spout coined it’s current name.
Current kettlebells are made from cast iron or steel.
The kettlebell varies from other resistance training hand held tools (dumbbells etc) because the centre of gravity of a dumbbell is in the middle. The c of G of a Kettlebell differs as it’s handle is not central. Producing a weight that can be easily used as a projectile force.
Kettlebells can be manipulated in many ways. Swinging (dynamic movement with c of g changes throughout) being one of the more common combinations for training purposes. From this dynamic movement pattern, the core effects are greater if stability of the body is maintained. They can also be used as a dynamic flexibility tool, if used correctly with care and good technique.
Bodyweight, training can be enhanced by carrying/moving rocks, sandbags, logs, clubs and weights with a handle. Anything that makes it more difficult! Hence the term ‘Resistance Training’ (resistance to movement, requiring the body to adapt and be more proficient). A (strong lol) plastic bag with a brick in it, can be an effective resistance training tool.
Kettlebells have been known as far back as ancient Greece.
Kettlebells were common in the late 1800 Circus performances. Strong men trained with kettlebells. Like all things they have come and gone over the years, but they are a valid way of training so will always be a part of training culture, whether trendy or not.
Cheap to produce, easy to carry around, versatile and near indestructible, the Russian military and government came to realize the potential benefits of the humble kettlebell and spread their use across the nation.
There are too many Kettlebell exercise to describe and debate. Just using the kettlebell for traditional dumbbell exercises and exercises requiring a hand weight, can be more comfortable and convenient. There’s no magic Kettlebell exercise that will fit all. However, inclusion of certain ones can enhance your required outcome. Please check some of the images, surprisingly (not), some will look just like an Instagram ‘original’.
Just putting one exercise on a ‘plate’ doesn’t mean it’s enough ‘nutritionally’ to satisfy the palate or maintain the required benefit. EVERY training scenario requires and individualistic approach. I always say, there’s no ‘one size fits all with training, it’s all about the ever-changing individual in front of you. No two days are the same and no two team members are the same!
Sometime in the future, I will produce articles and discuss individual exercises and break them down. However, as it’s in the early stages of my articles for Bali Waves, I’m trying to make the articles more enlightening for the reader. I always think if you can understand the theory and premise behind an idea, then you can put that idea to greater use. ??
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