Joyo’s G-Land Surf Camp
G-Land, behind the scenes in 2019
Cover photo by Dave Tinson
G-Land has always been a retreat for surfers starting way back in the day’s of Mike Boyum, McCabe, Lopez etc. This day and age it’s a much more user friendly (on land) environment with in camp restaurants, cable TV, air conditioning, not to mention internet access. Not just your hard core Aussie’s, Americans and Brazilians go to G-Land these days, just like every beach in the World these days surfing is a very popular global sport and G-Land is also on the menu, with different waves on offer to suit all levels of surfer.
The good guys at Joyo’s G-Land Surf Camp have sent me through a few photos and info on what happens in G-Land when there’s no one there. G-land which is in fact located in an Indonesian National Park and Nature Reserve, “Alas Purwo”. Yes it’s more than just one of the longest perfect waves in the World in case you didn’t know.
Every year after the surf resort is closed and the surfers have all gone home the camp under goes constant renovations and additions, to keep everything in top shape for when they re open in mid March. Located in front of Joyo’s the owners have planted a grass nature strip which attracts the local deer population to graze on, which is pretty cool bringing these wild and beautiful animals into contact with guests in a protected environment.
If you have been to G-Land then you’d know about the rocky shore line which can be up to 2 mtrs above the beach / reef below and a bit tricky to negotiate getting down onto the beach / reef. With constant big tides there has also been some erosion starting to eat into the nature strip. So this year Joyo’s have put in a rock retaining wall with very user friendly steps onto the beach included (see photos). Along with all the pathway paving and landscaping going on the ground staff at Joyo’s have been very busy maintaining and improving everything for their guests.
So when you think Joyo’s G-Land surf camp is closed just remember that the staff over there are constantly working on improving the quality of your next visit to G-Land.
Joyo’s G-Land Surf Camp
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