Lakey Peak surf report:
Grey clouds were hanging low when we landed in Sumbawa in early April. It started raining as we drove out of Bima and was still bucketing as we approached Dompu. Rivers had burst their banks and roads were starting to flood. Those unlucky enough to have homes in low lying areas were soon gathering whatever they could carry. We managed to make it to Lakeys, and it was starting to flood there as well.
It rained almost non stop for two days. A large cyclone to the south was causing the wet. It blew in some strong southerly winds too, ripping apart the waves. Eventually the cyclone headed off towards Australia and the sun came out. Long days of light winds and small swell followed. The Peak was sucking in the best of it, with the occasional session at Pipe when the tides lined up. The local kids made the best of the conditions, finding small barrels and sneaky air sections right in over the reef.
There is a fairly large contingent of foreign surfers about the place. It’s much more crowded than during lock down last year. But the vibe in the water remains mellow. Everyone seems happy to wait their turn. Peak and Pipe are usually busy but numbers are thinner elsewhere. Cobblestones and Nungas are less crowded, especially when the wind is up a bit. We haven’t really had the swell size for consistent sessions down at Periscopes yet.
There was a decent bump in the wave height late yesterday. With a few solid barrels rolling through the Peak early this morning before the tide got too high. The trade winds started blowing before lunch. Hopefully we will get a few more days of light winds before the trades really set in. The forecast for swell looks ordinary. There are a few small bumps over the coming weeks, but otherwise the lackluster start to the season looks set to continue. It’s probably important that all of us out here remain grateful. Better to be surfing fun waves in board shorts, than stuck in a lockdown somewhere.
Nb Apologies for the delay. I was struck down with a bout of food poisoning. It’s been a while since I’ve been so unwell. Was basically on the toilet for two days then sleeping it off for a few more.
Ben S
Thanks Slim for the Lakey Report..