BALI SPORT FISHING SCENE 28th June 2017 Hello surfer / fisho's and thanks for checking out our little fishing page on the baliwaves. I know it's been awhile since I've up dated this, it couldn't be helped as I've also suffered a bit with a lack of fishing myself due to some health problems I've had. But I am very happy to say that I'm back in the water surfing and fishing … [Read more...]
Bali Sport Fishing Scene, 29th August 2013 (Ketut 0 – Slim 3)
Bali Sport Fishing Scene 29th August 2013 Hello my fishing enthusiest friends and thanks for checking out our latest Bali sport fishing report. This session went down on the 29th of August. It was a spur of the moment trip with the swell dropping off, so not too many waves too be had. Ketut and I pushed the boat into the water around 10.30AM, not an ideal time to go fishing. … [Read more...]
BALI Sport Fishing Scene, May 2013
31st May 2013 Bali Sport Fishing Scene. Hello fisher people and I thought it's about time I actually got this page back to being regulary up dated again and showing ya's a few photos of what we get up to on Bali's loccal sport fishing scene. Well actually I only just got myself a new waterproof digimatic so I can get those photos is the real reason this page is reactivated. … [Read more...]
West Coast Bali plus plus, 27th April 2012
27th April 2012 ****AFTERNOON SURF UP DATE**** Howdy folks and welcome back to your baliwaves (since '99) for the very latest news on today's surfing and weather conditions from here on the only sane choice to let go of your hard earned tropical surfing holiday dollars, Bali. Ok then my day kicked off at 6.00AM with the usual mandatory surf check on the Outer Reefs of … [Read more...]
Still plenty of waves on tap here in Bali, 24th April 2012
24th April 2012 ****AFTERNOON SURF UP DATE**** Hi folks and thanks for calling by the baliwaves (since '99) for the latest news on surfing and weather conditions, plus the usual stack of photos. All from right here on your favorite tropical surfing holiday destination of Bali. Well yesterday was going real well, I mean I had all my morning targets achieved, right through … [Read more...]
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