G-Land 10th June 2014 Thanks to our friends at Joyo's G-Land Surf Camp located in the Alas Purwo National Park at East Java for keeping the sick photos pouring out of G-land and onto our screens. Special thanks to their in house, always on the ball surf photographer. Thinking of getting over to Joyo's G-Land surf camp for some perfect waves this season ? Just hit this … [Read more...]
G-Land – Joyo’s surf camp photo up date, 8th June 2014
Joyo's G-land surf camp East Java 8th June 2014 Well the crew at Joyo's G-land surf camp keep sending me the photos so we'll keep posting them for all to see. This gallery was taken over the last few days and as it shows it's been cranking off it's tits at G-Land. From Moneytree's through to the Launch pad and right through to Speedies. And remember, if your thinking of … [Read more...]
Joyo’s G-Land Surf Camp photo up date, 28th May 2014
Here's the latest images out of G-land thanks to Joyo's G-land Surf Camp and their in house photographers. Stay tuned cause now the season is kicking in we'll be scoring a lot more photos and surf reports straight from the source of G-Land located over in the pristine Alas Purwo national park jungle of East Java. Thinking of getting over to Joyo's G-Land surf camp for some … [Read more...]
G-Land photo up date 25th – 27th May 2014
G-LAND 25th - 27th May 2014 Thanks again to our friends over at JOYO'S G-LAND SURF CAMP for sending us through a bit of a photo up date on how the waves have been over at the legendary waves of G-Land. Thinking of getting over to Joyo's G-Land surf camp for some perfect waves this season ? Just hit this contact us link and baliwaves.com will hand you a 10% discount for … [Read more...]
G-Land Photo up date on the last swell
G-LAND 16th - 18th May 2014 This last swell had just about all of Indonesia lit up with pumping swell. Thanks to our friends at Joyo's G-Land Surf Camp for sending us through some photos of what was going down over in the national park East Java jungle. Thinking of getting over to Joyo's G-Land surf camp for some perfect waves this season ? Just hit this contact us link and … [Read more...]
Joyo’s G-land surf camp photo up date 14th May 2014
G-Land 11th - 14th May 2014 Just a quick photo up date from the boys at Joyo's G-Land Surf Camp. Contact us if you'd like to get over to G-Land with a nice little 10% discount from baliwaves. Enjoy … [Read more...]
G-Land Surf Update 1st-2nd May 2014
JOYO'S G-LAND SURF CAMP G-Land Daily Surf Report May 1, SURF 4-6ft Moneytrees WIND : OFFSHORE WEATHER : SUNNY G-Land Daily Surf Report May 2, 2014 SURF 3-4ft Moneytrees WIND : OFFSHORE WEATHER : SUNNY … [Read more...]
Joyo’s G-Land Surf Camp update, 21st April 2014
JOYO'S G-LAND SURF CAMP G-Land 21st April 2014 Well this season kicked off very nicely for the handful of guests who took advantage of some perfect waves in perfect conditions through the middle to end of March. Until around 10 days ago when the wind shifted back to the NW - SW quadrants bringing cross to on shore wind with it. But looking at the wind predictions for the … [Read more...]
Joyo’s G-Land Surf Camp, Season 2014 is OPEN !
JOYO'S G-LAND SURF CAMP G-Land 14th April 2014 Well this season kicked off very nicely for the handful of guests who took advantage of some perfect waves in perfect conditions through the middle to end of March. Until around 10 days ago when the wind shifted back to the NW - SW quadrants bringing cross to on shore wind with it. But looking at the wind predictions for the … [Read more...]
G-Land Surf Report, 28th September 2013
G-Land Daily Surf report 28 September 2013 SURF : 5/6 FT WIND : OFFSHORE WINDS WEATHER : SUNNY Joyo's Camp FREE Yoga, WIFI Internet and Fast Boat* Here's another up date from the legendary wave of G-Land situated over on the South Eastern end of the island of Java. G-Land is such a magical place and somewhere every surfer should experience. Especially if your already … [Read more...]
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